Not only have I expanded my business, but I now own a full Karaoke system with music and even got my first official contract with a bar within a week of getting it. :D keeping busy with a full time job and photography and karaoke weekly. Not to mention taking care of my son majority of the week. I love being a dad. I love my life right now. Only one thing missing from it and that is a person to share it with. That will come in time. I am in no rush seeing as how i have to find someone good enough to introduce into my sons life. Not sure that part will ever happen, but we shall see.
I found someone who wanted to do a photoshoot for suicide girls, but at the last minute decided she did not want to see them or upload them. It was a great shoot. oh well.. time to find someone else. I really would love to be able to do photography work for suicide girls as well. Even have a perfect location. The search continues.