Not only have I expanded my business, but I now own a full Karaoke system with music and even got my first official contract with a bar within a week of getting it. :D keeping busy with a full time job and photography and karaoke weekly. Not to mention taking care of my son majority of the week. I love being a dad. I love...
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So i havent updated for a while.. but here it is..
Business is doing great. Wedding on the 10th. Family group of 30+ to do on the 6th. Engagement photos on the 25th. Definitely making some money this month.
enough to pay the bills and get a new piece of equipment.
Best news of the week. My old karaoke client needs some extra nights covered...
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Business is doing great. Wedding on the 10th. Family group of 30+ to do on the 6th. Engagement photos on the 25th. Definitely making some money this month.

Best news of the week. My old karaoke client needs some extra nights covered...
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well. my new photography business hasnt taken off quite yet. No modeling jobs yet. But i do have a family friendly event going on at Steel Lake park here in federal way on june 21st. starting at noon im doing family and kid shots for anyone who wants to have them done. its only going to be $10 per person.
anyone who wants to come...
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cute son! Don't worry, people will see your work and I bet will love to work with you!
guess i could always link my FB business page here too for anyone who might like to take a look. Johnson Photography FB
Guess im just a photography hopeful.. 

Thank you
i have at least one person willing to do a photoshoot.. just gotta find the time.. then im sure ill be able to find a few more once i get a portfolio done. 

that was such an amazing compliment, thanks so much! I hope that you end up fulfilling your SG goals