He paced the room. He walked, hurridly, back to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and all his insecurities stared back at him. The scar across the bridge of his nose, almost too faint to see, the scar on his forehead where he had been bashed with a hammer, how his teeth weren't as straight or white as they should be, he'd been drinking...
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Steal one for me and send it here!

I'm kidding.

And I really like this entry too. smile
It hadn't always been that way. The ritual. The coldness. The heat felt in the moment, that left just as quickly as it, he, came. Even the ritual itself was lazy. He'd play a record they bought one afternoon at the shop where he'd always spend too much money. Turn on the lamp they had found at a thrift store that was too funny not...
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Sample from the new book...

She rolled herself on top of him completely unclothed, save for he knee-high rainbow striped socks, and reached down to put him inside of her. He wasn't ready. Physically, yes, he was ready, that she had made sure of. The filthy things she was whispering in his ear, how her fingers disappeared inside herself, how she then gripped his madhood(her...
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^ I second that...
so nothing is going well. thats not new. i used to bounce back. i used to overcome. it's seems ,that, like everything else i cared for/about, has gone by the wayside. left behind because i just didnt t see it slipping away. didnt notice or at the time didnt care. i know i shouldnt let things get to me. that nothing is permanent and people,...
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myspace.com/somedamnband is where you can hear my new solo acoustic project. i had to give up the metal and try something new... so now i'm playing all the instruments and doing all the vocals. I've got 6 songs up and i'll be pushing as hard as i can to release my full length offering by the end up the summer. hope everyone checks it out!...
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Congrats on the solo project! I'll have to check it out on myspace! I hope you had a great holiday and that 2009 is your year to rock! Hugs! smile kiss
Been getting good responses from the rough stuff the band has on the myspace! We will be recording more demos through the summer and be setting up a couple shows in the RI area as well. In the fall we plan to take our demos and record with our friend Tim in NYC (NYC? Yes NYC. Haha I love Old El Paso tv spots from...
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i am flippin so excited for ya smile xxxooo
Just got some stuff done in the studio. My vocals are rough but tell me what you think! Or add us...


it's still very new but i'm having fun!
Goodtimes last night! Jammed with a couple buddies and we have a project going. myspace.com/actionsoverwordsrock its gonna be fun times!! we'll have stuff with vocals up soon.
Thanks for the comment sweetie!
Damn when am I gonna smarten up and stop falling for girls that are just gonna hurt me? My guess is never. Long night of playing pool and pitchers at the O-Mist last night. Dan and I ended up being the only people in there after about an hour, but I was down in the dumps and the bartenders there love us so we stayed....
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yay paddy's! I always try to make it out there a few times during the summer.