It's Sunday and im feeling good. im on my way out to head to the studio to knock out a few remixes for some friends. I've been pretty busy lately with a lot of projects that i need to catch up on and finish. I don't know how many house music fans there is on here but in 09 im coming out strong again with a few cds and some more tracks. for those who do like house, hit me up for details on that. I'm also trying to put together a tour. i know on my last blog i talked about why i dont mix anymore. but after a long long talk with a friend who i make music and spin with. we were talking about traveling around to mix at differet spots. i dont know if this is going to go down for sure but if you know of any spots in your area that has a strong house following. let me know please
any ways i hope all of you had a great weekend. and have an even better week!
oh yea my boy rampage did the damn thing and won that fight last night. now hes comin after mr. show boat evans to knock his ass out!!! (those of you that are fans of mma know what im talkinn about haha)
much love everyone

any ways i hope all of you had a great weekend. and have an even better week!
oh yea my boy rampage did the damn thing and won that fight last night. now hes comin after mr. show boat evans to knock his ass out!!! (those of you that are fans of mma know what im talkinn about haha)
much love everyone
You're fuckin awesome.

Did you almost cry when Kimbo got knocked the fuck out by that lil' pink- haired guy? I certainly fucking did. Ya think it was a set-up of some sort? I really can't picture Kimbo fallin' face down and helpless with the first punch thrown. It was like watching a baby take his first hit. Shit bothers me to this day. Soo...what are your thoughts on this tragic event?