Woo, im off work!, untill monday anyway.

Wednesday last week to Monday this week saw me in Warrington, i know it doesnt sound that exciting but it did involve band practice, 4 nights of studipdly drunken fun and many days of guitar hero.I've also discovered that vodka red bull sems to be my best friend but hate me at the same time.

still havnt got...
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this is an old blog...teehee

anyway, thanks for the add! have a good week!!
so it's the 22nd of febuary, i'm a little bit closer to securing my higher rank position at work, but the manager of the customer we supply to had the nerve to ask if i could look better at work, take a hat off take my lip ring out, ok i'll take the hat off, cos im gettin the whole uniform thing they have soon,...
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Hella cute! love
lip rings clearly get in the way of everything in an office wink
well it's been 28 days since i last wrote on here so here's another update.

currently my job is going well, slowly and steadily getting better at doing nothing all day, it's a fine art and i like to think i do it well.

as for out of work, this week I went to hellogoodbye which was really really good. also this weekend went out...
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At work or on the computer?

sounds like me :smile
So it's 2007, my holiday period is over as i'm officially back at work tomorrow, but christmas has been good and new year wasn't wholy disastrous so it hasn't been too bad.

I got the following for xmas:
-Darth Vader voice changer helmet-
-Remote control Mario Kart-
-Simpsons figure collection-
-DVD Player-
-Nintendo DS with 6 games (a gift from me to me)-
-the it...
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Happy new year smile
And you said nothing ever happend on your birthday

1972 - Apollo 17, the last Apollo moon mission, is launched. The crew take the photograph known as "The Blue Marble" as they leave the Earth.
well, im 21 today and i found out 2 facinating facts:

1) on this day when i was born (1985) Wham were at no.1 with I'm Your Man
2) The Japanese bombed pearl harbour on this day

so really nothing great ever happens on this day to be honest. days history would rather forget.

also the thing about a birthday is that you get happy...
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Well today was dull, I got to work for 7am (more overtime woot) and spent the morning on a wagon, moving shit about...how exciting, but in the afternoon i got the infinate joy of going to our new warehouse and learning how to use a pallet wrapping machine, which would be awesome to wrap things with, just maybe not pallets, which is what i have...
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pallet wrapping?

what does that meeaan?
London is awesome, I got to see two of my friends who are down at uni there smile Haha yeah, I am a northener also, originally from the Castle of New ARRR!!!