Eventhough I really liked my last journal entry and I was going to leave it up for a while, times are a changing and I must fill you all in. (Or should I say ya'll; read on and you'll see)
As of last thursday I found out that I have been selected to lead a group of Americorps workers in Columbia, SC. This is freaking great by me, and it will be nothing but working with 4th graders teaching them the values of self-esteem/worth and accepting responsiblilty for thier actions. They call this character development training and it is evidently big in the southern states. The whole concept I think is a great thing! Anyhow down to the side effects.... I will be leaving toledo for quite a while (End of this July to next June). And just as I was getting to know you local SGers too.
Heres the point. To all of my SG toledo crew, I would like to pal around with ya'll before I take off for the next 11 months. For when I return I will be a confederate, bible banging, zelot for guns! This will not take with you and therefore I will be forever gone. Poof. So call, write, adn let me know where the gatherings are because I need my fill of counter culture while I still have the chance.
As of last thursday I found out that I have been selected to lead a group of Americorps workers in Columbia, SC. This is freaking great by me, and it will be nothing but working with 4th graders teaching them the values of self-esteem/worth and accepting responsiblilty for thier actions. They call this character development training and it is evidently big in the southern states. The whole concept I think is a great thing! Anyhow down to the side effects.... I will be leaving toledo for quite a while (End of this July to next June). And just as I was getting to know you local SGers too.
Heres the point. To all of my SG toledo crew, I would like to pal around with ya'll before I take off for the next 11 months. For when I return I will be a confederate, bible banging, zelot for guns! This will not take with you and therefore I will be forever gone. Poof. So call, write, adn let me know where the gatherings are because I need my fill of counter culture while I still have the chance.
DAMNIT! I always do that! This is Thundercuntlover, but I always forget to log out of Misery's account.
[Edited on Jun 10, 2005 7:20PM]