[at work, again] Fucking employee appreciation day. It's on my day off. Like I'm going to drag ass up here - pay three bucks to do it - on my day off just to be "appreciated" by some jokers that don't appreciate me.
Yeah fucking right.
These fuckers don't respect or appreciate any of us.
Well, it's sit while Sue blabbers time again. But you know what? Fuck it. From now on, I will embrace the boredom. if they want to pay me for this shit, far be it now from me to complain. If I have to sit on my ass for eight hours while the mechanics do clean up, fine by me. If Keith wants to sit in the turret talking on his cellphone all night, then I will sit outside it and get paid the same as if I'm working my ass off. Free money. Eighty-four bucks to do nothing all night is just fine.
It's kind of odd. I typically hate punk music. And punk ideals. And punk fashion. One of my favourite bands is Against Me!, and one of the things I admire is that they "sold out." However, my favourite album from them is Reinventing Axl Rose, one of their most punk records, and I have little to no interest in their Sire debut (ironically, because I do not like the more mainstream sound of the album). I think I like them because they never seemed to take the whole punk thing that seriously in their music. They didn't sound like a bunch of idiots trying to be political.
I'm not sure why I dislike things punk so much. I mean, there's half a dozen reasons I could list right off the top of my head, but in the end I think it's all just incredibly stupid. Crappy, amateurish music, foul fashion, and lame teenaged politics with no application to real life. A bunch of clowns yelling "LISTEN TO MY OPINION.. while I throw a brick through your storefront and dress and act in a way that will make you only disrespect me and not pay attention to my ideologies."
I'm speaking of the various forms of actual punk rock, when it comes to music, not the genres that have come from it in one way or another. I exclude some old Hardcore bands from my rant, like Bad Brains and Minor Threat. For the most part, however, old Hardcore bands fit with my rant about all things punk.
Lastly, I can't stop thinking about my brother's buddy. I can't even comprehend how it must be for my brother, to know so many people who have died violent deaths in less than a year. It's a life I can't even imagine. It's an experience to which I, in my peaceful and normal American life, have nothing to compare or any possible way to empathize. I wish I could say something to my brother - like "I'm sorry" - but nothing I could say would seem right.
Yeah fucking right.
These fuckers don't respect or appreciate any of us.
Well, it's sit while Sue blabbers time again. But you know what? Fuck it. From now on, I will embrace the boredom. if they want to pay me for this shit, far be it now from me to complain. If I have to sit on my ass for eight hours while the mechanics do clean up, fine by me. If Keith wants to sit in the turret talking on his cellphone all night, then I will sit outside it and get paid the same as if I'm working my ass off. Free money. Eighty-four bucks to do nothing all night is just fine.
It's kind of odd. I typically hate punk music. And punk ideals. And punk fashion. One of my favourite bands is Against Me!, and one of the things I admire is that they "sold out." However, my favourite album from them is Reinventing Axl Rose, one of their most punk records, and I have little to no interest in their Sire debut (ironically, because I do not like the more mainstream sound of the album). I think I like them because they never seemed to take the whole punk thing that seriously in their music. They didn't sound like a bunch of idiots trying to be political.
I'm not sure why I dislike things punk so much. I mean, there's half a dozen reasons I could list right off the top of my head, but in the end I think it's all just incredibly stupid. Crappy, amateurish music, foul fashion, and lame teenaged politics with no application to real life. A bunch of clowns yelling "LISTEN TO MY OPINION.. while I throw a brick through your storefront and dress and act in a way that will make you only disrespect me and not pay attention to my ideologies."
I'm speaking of the various forms of actual punk rock, when it comes to music, not the genres that have come from it in one way or another. I exclude some old Hardcore bands from my rant, like Bad Brains and Minor Threat. For the most part, however, old Hardcore bands fit with my rant about all things punk.
Lastly, I can't stop thinking about my brother's buddy. I can't even comprehend how it must be for my brother, to know so many people who have died violent deaths in less than a year. It's a life I can't even imagine. It's an experience to which I, in my peaceful and normal American life, have nothing to compare or any possible way to empathize. I wish I could say something to my brother - like "I'm sorry" - but nothing I could say would seem right.

that's so lame though, why would they expect you to pay for something that is supposed to be because they appreciate you!? steven, i love you so much and i really appreciate everything you do, so you are going to take me out for sushi. lol.
i don't think it's up to you to try to comprehend how your brother feels. it's not really something that a person should have to come to terms with that much or have to deal with as often as people do there. in comparison, i'm sure it's not many compared to previous wars, but like you said in your last blog, it isn't really our war to be fighting, so why should our people be dying?
anyway, that's depressing stuff.