I wore my bootcut, closer fitting Levis to work tonight. I'm tired of not being myself at work. The pants I got to wear to work were big, loose fit Faded Glory jeans from Hell*Mart. I looked like some kind of frumpy wannabe gangsta kid.
But no longer!
I think I'm going to get my tattoo next payday. I want to start stretching my lobes again soon. I should order a 00ga taper and some plugs tonight. Or maybe some nice spirals.
I've got to start being myself or this job will eat me. I've got to keep my personal life stimulated or I'll lose my self. I think that's one reason I've been writing in this notepad. I've got pages and pages written that I've never typed up. It's all I do on my breaks. Most of it is just bitching about jim, though.
Yay. Safety Sue, aka sitting uncomfortably for 30 minutes Sue. Blaring loud yet entirely inaudible blabbering Sue. I guess it's nice to have a 30 minute break, but they should have it at like 23:30 or 00:00, during that long drag between 22:45 and 01:30.
Or I could learn to stop complaining so much.
Maybe I should get my tattoo tomorrow. We still have to pay for Ashley's car to get fixed, so I should probably hold off at least another week.
..They recently blocked a bill, down here, that would allow certain faculty members and students to carry firearms on college campuses. The bill was proposed in light and fear of college killing sprees. It was blocked by democrats. I align more closely with democrats on many/most issues but when it comes to firearms I almost never agree with them.
In this America, in this reality, people own and have access to guns. That's reality. Limiting the ability to purchase guns or legally use them is not going to change the massive amount of firearms already in the hands of both law abiding and criminal Americans. For better or worse, no matter what ideologies one might hold, the reality is that guns are everywhere in America and that's not going to change through legislation. Blocking a bill that would allow law abiding citizens to carry firearms on a college campus is not going to keep a criminal citizen from entering a classroom on that same campus and opening fire. People go on killing sprees. That's reality.
The people going on killing sprees, robbing convenience stores, or taking part in drive-by shootings will not be affected by laws prohibiting the ownership or use of firearms. There are already laws against using guns the way these people use them, they're already breaking the law.
If more.. upstanding people carried concealed firearms, these killing sprees and robberies could be cut short. Guns in the hands of good people can (and often do) decrease the damage caused by guns in the hands of criminals. It's pretty much common sense.
Anyway, now I'm just rambling.
Alls I know is that the American government needs to start dealing with problems realistically instead of trying to just dive after their own ideals and ideologies. Keeping firearms away from law abiding citizens does nothing to decrease the illegal use of firearms. The end.
But no longer!
I think I'm going to get my tattoo next payday. I want to start stretching my lobes again soon. I should order a 00ga taper and some plugs tonight. Or maybe some nice spirals.
I've got to start being myself or this job will eat me. I've got to keep my personal life stimulated or I'll lose my self. I think that's one reason I've been writing in this notepad. I've got pages and pages written that I've never typed up. It's all I do on my breaks. Most of it is just bitching about jim, though.
Yay. Safety Sue, aka sitting uncomfortably for 30 minutes Sue. Blaring loud yet entirely inaudible blabbering Sue. I guess it's nice to have a 30 minute break, but they should have it at like 23:30 or 00:00, during that long drag between 22:45 and 01:30.
Or I could learn to stop complaining so much.
Maybe I should get my tattoo tomorrow. We still have to pay for Ashley's car to get fixed, so I should probably hold off at least another week.
..They recently blocked a bill, down here, that would allow certain faculty members and students to carry firearms on college campuses. The bill was proposed in light and fear of college killing sprees. It was blocked by democrats. I align more closely with democrats on many/most issues but when it comes to firearms I almost never agree with them.
In this America, in this reality, people own and have access to guns. That's reality. Limiting the ability to purchase guns or legally use them is not going to change the massive amount of firearms already in the hands of both law abiding and criminal Americans. For better or worse, no matter what ideologies one might hold, the reality is that guns are everywhere in America and that's not going to change through legislation. Blocking a bill that would allow law abiding citizens to carry firearms on a college campus is not going to keep a criminal citizen from entering a classroom on that same campus and opening fire. People go on killing sprees. That's reality.
The people going on killing sprees, robbing convenience stores, or taking part in drive-by shootings will not be affected by laws prohibiting the ownership or use of firearms. There are already laws against using guns the way these people use them, they're already breaking the law.
If more.. upstanding people carried concealed firearms, these killing sprees and robberies could be cut short. Guns in the hands of good people can (and often do) decrease the damage caused by guns in the hands of criminals. It's pretty much common sense.
Anyway, now I'm just rambling.
Alls I know is that the American government needs to start dealing with problems realistically instead of trying to just dive after their own ideals and ideologies. Keeping firearms away from law abiding citizens does nothing to decrease the illegal use of firearms. The end.

burn the work ones n_n.
do you even know what you want for a tattoo sugar-pie?
i think you should get an owl. :3 i want a pretty tattoo on my chest...
plz. just shove a taper in there for me.
it hates me.
i love you.