It's Sunday afternoon, December, Christmas season, and as usual its bright clear hot sun outside and it feels like June. This is the kind of weather that non-Californians experience this time of year, fall in love with it and decide to move here. Well my friends, you can fucking have it. I want more weather, rain, overcast clouds, something to let me know that I don't live in a television show. Cause I don't. Lately I feel like I barely live in a life.
My friends are probably sick of hearing me complain about the "perfection" of Los Angeles weather cause I do, often. I am sure if I lived in New York I'd be bitching about that, but at the moment, I'd rather be in the snow and wind and cold. Nothing seems to change here. All of this kind of thinking factors into what I'm calling Steve's Exit Strategy 2007. I can't go into too much detail about it here, cause the walls have eyes, but I'm putting serious thought into leaving town.
Let's change the subject.
This Thursday I'll be joining Camp Freddy for a show at Hollywood's Avalon Theater. I think it's a benefit, not sure, but I'll be singing "Highway to Hell" which is one of my favorite things to do. Show up, sing one song, then just hang out. Love rocking with no real pressure. Don't know who else will be appearing, it'll be a surprise.
In related news that isn't really news, but is the kind of tedious personal shit that you find on blogs, I am STILL sick. I went from never getting sick, like once every other year, to having a cough for 3 weeks now. Been through 3 different scripts of antibiotics and now am just about to go to the doctor again tomorrow. I'm lovin' it! It sucks cause there is a whole embarrassment factor associated with being ill, like you say "I'm sick" and are somehow admitting that you are fallible. Weak. Like Darwin's law of survival of the fittest is about to swing 'round and kill you first. Or possibly I am reading too much into it, but with 3 solid weeks of coughing bits of your lungs out you have plenty of time to think of these things.
Still playing Gears of War, which is fantastic, and also got a Nintendo Wii the day they came out, because I had to. I know myself, and I would have been obsessed with the Wii until I had one in my hot little hands and could check it out. It's really amazing, I love it. They were brilliant to make a game machine focused on easily having fun, and playing games socially, as opposed to Sony who just made a bloated, expensive Xbox360 with weaker online capabilities.
Fuck the PS3. Sony blew it - I hope they fail miserably with that one. I'll only get one if in a year it's unbelievable and clearly the best machine, but I don't see that happening.
The Wii is actually the kind of tech that moves forward all tech - it will certainly shift how people are able to interact with screens in the future, just like the iPod re-arranged how we approach our music. The Wii games aren't fantastic yet, but I am pretty optimistic that the momentum they have at the moment will bring some great and truly unique games to the Wii in the coming years.
Plus its fun to invite people over, get all wine silly and play.
Dropping by to say to say i'm glad about our official introduction, and appreciate the words about my site and whatnot. I'll be bringing a bunch of my artstuff to hang up in the office tomorrow. And that i hope you have not spread your disease to me with the cookie-coated handshake.
i joke. i joke.