left sleeve pretty much done.... just a little shading and some thickening of lines and im set....
another 4 hours top.... not sure if im gonna wrap it right the way round yet... i'll see once i have the final bits done
hurt like an absolute bitch in parts.... i have to hand it to jules.... christ knows how she stuck out having her sleeve...
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another 4 hours top.... not sure if im gonna wrap it right the way round yet... i'll see once i have the final bits done
hurt like an absolute bitch in parts.... i have to hand it to jules.... christ knows how she stuck out having her sleeve...
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ok guys and girls... maybe its time i updated... tonight though... im working now 

smooches to you!

Thanks for the info!
I was assuming that the actual digi-comic would be interactive, letting the reader set the pace and move back and forward with the controller. Then I started thinking about how cool it would be if they made it even MORE interactive by letting you choose alternate endings, music selection, easter eggs, etc.
Are you an animator as well? I'd love to see your artwork in motion.
I was assuming that the actual digi-comic would be interactive, letting the reader set the pace and move back and forward with the controller. Then I started thinking about how cool it would be if they made it even MORE interactive by letting you choose alternate endings, music selection, easter eggs, etc.
Are you an animator as well? I'd love to see your artwork in motion.

ok... year has started pretty much as i mean it to go on really... not perfect... but not bad...
not as organised as i wanted to be... but certainly more organised than last year... which is good....
my first forays back in to work have gone well (see cover below
jules is seeing someone else... which is also fine... was obvious she would when...
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not as organised as i wanted to be... but certainly more organised than last year... which is good....
my first forays back in to work have gone well (see cover below

jules is seeing someone else... which is also fine... was obvious she would when...
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yea lol i sooooooo wish that some certain dreams of mine would come true.
god how i wish
god how i wish

Gooooooogie where arrrrrre yooooou??

hey gang
i know i dont really update to much anymore... to be honest... i'll be surprised if anyone even see this as people tend to stop checking your journal if you're not very active on the site....
which is fine...
to be honest... i've lost interest.... the reason being.... this place just isn't what it used to be...
its changed... a lot... which is...
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i know i dont really update to much anymore... to be honest... i'll be surprised if anyone even see this as people tend to stop checking your journal if you're not very active on the site....
which is fine...
to be honest... i've lost interest.... the reason being.... this place just isn't what it used to be...
its changed... a lot... which is...
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hey googie my fellow bumdancer!happy new year-come and see us soon!!!!!

Hey I like Green Day
Know what you mean though, it has gone a bit weird since all the shit hit and I really miss some of the great SGs like Stormy and Voltaire. C'est la vie.
Wish they wouldn't update the sets as much as well. Takes me ages to catch up with the backlog and I don't even look at half of the sets anymore.
Hope you had a good NYE.

Know what you mean though, it has gone a bit weird since all the shit hit and I really miss some of the great SGs like Stormy and Voltaire. C'est la vie.
Wish they wouldn't update the sets as much as well. Takes me ages to catch up with the backlog and I don't even look at half of the sets anymore.
Hope you had a good NYE.
just seen king kong...
know what i hate about the censors who decide what we can and cant watch and at what age we can and cant watch it... they're full of shit
i would not take a 12 year old to se that film... bits are extremely violent and harsh... yes it a monkey versus a dinosaur or a giant mutant worm.... but... its...
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know what i hate about the censors who decide what we can and cant watch and at what age we can and cant watch it... they're full of shit
i would not take a 12 year old to se that film... bits are extremely violent and harsh... yes it a monkey versus a dinosaur or a giant mutant worm.... but... its...
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meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...i just realised i look like a total stalker!!!

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!

thank fuck
i have internet again...
since last we spoke....
i still havent caught up on the deadline / some cool new people commented on my journal / started planning san diego next year (anyone want to drive san diego to chicago with me.... winnebago and all) i got a 360 / my 360 died (fucking microsoft... wouldnt have this problem if it had been...
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i have internet again...
since last we spoke....
i still havent caught up on the deadline / some cool new people commented on my journal / started planning san diego next year (anyone want to drive san diego to chicago with me.... winnebago and all) i got a 360 / my 360 died (fucking microsoft... wouldnt have this problem if it had been...
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gooooooooooooooooge where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu???....*pines*

good to have you back. Yay for the sexy girl news.

ok... anyone who pays any attention to my journal will know i havent had a favorites list for quite some time.... i couldnt think of a fair way to do it....
looks seemed far to shallow... as to be honest its not really what im about... everyone who knows me knows short dark hair does it for me...
and i just couldn't think of a...
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looks seemed far to shallow... as to be honest its not really what im about... everyone who knows me knows short dark hair does it for me...
and i just couldn't think of a...
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I read it in a comment in Lane's journal.
Mucha kicks several different types of arse. And he was almost 40 years old before he got his big break. There's still hope for us, Steve

will update soon... colored cover (gotta love carrie... she does make me look good) weekend in brighton... weekend away this weekend... far behind on work... as always... what the fuck is wrong with me in that department.... how come i never take it seriously... i'll tell you why...
im a twat!!!
anyway.... speak soon
im a twat!!!
anyway.... speak soon
Thank you for your little ramble in my journal. I appreciate it (-:
Cherry xxxxx.
Cherry xxxxx.
Mate, u ain't the only one struggling with deadlines...I can tell u my weekend horror story if u wanna feel better...

worry more about your character than your reputation... for character is what you are, while reputation is only what others think you are...
todays a good day... after yesterday i woke up this morning and promised myself i woulkd start positive moves to change my life (yesterday was real bad)
so... things are rolling...
three properties are being looked at... finances are being looked...
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todays a good day... after yesterday i woke up this morning and promised myself i woulkd start positive moves to change my life (yesterday was real bad)
so... things are rolling...
three properties are being looked at... finances are being looked...
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missin you googie
x x x

googie come talk to me on msn or i keeeeeeel you! x x x

little known fact....
i have a thing for a couple of backstreet boys tracks... yeah yeah yeah... who cares... i'd make a great backstreet boy... and you all know it...
for anyone that actually knows me that wont come as much of a surprise... considering some of the things i do whilst out and drunk... man do i have the moves...
this made me...
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i have a thing for a couple of backstreet boys tracks... yeah yeah yeah... who cares... i'd make a great backstreet boy... and you all know it...
for anyone that actually knows me that wont come as much of a surprise... considering some of the things i do whilst out and drunk... man do i have the moves...
this made me...
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That link was great. I can't believe how in sync (or N-sync - groan and double groan) they are.

googie you HAVE to see this!!!
Lizard Vs Japaneese school girls in meat hats!!!
hope youre okies x x x x
Lizard Vs Japaneese school girls in meat hats!!!
hope youre okies x x x x

ok... weekend was ok
i get hit by a rocket, which fucked my phone.... bollox... finally got paid..... 10 weeks late... so i now have the deposit for the flat
so will move over the course of the next 3 weeks
beard is slowly growing back... thank fuck.... i no longer look 12... i now look like a 16 year old with stubble
days of...
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i get hit by a rocket, which fucked my phone.... bollox... finally got paid..... 10 weeks late... so i now have the deposit for the flat
so will move over the course of the next 3 weeks
beard is slowly growing back... thank fuck.... i no longer look 12... i now look like a 16 year old with stubble
days of...
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only googie could get hit by a rocket!!!!!!

Carry on slogging on
And... I still get asked for ID to prove I'm 16. Grr!!! I'm a month or so short of 20!

And... I still get asked for ID to prove I'm 16. Grr!!! I'm a month or so short of 20!
anyone who follows my journal regularly should know certain things about me by now.... whats happening in my life... what i do... how hard i work.... but not really me...
but you will know little bis
one of them that would have come across is the ups and downs.... i go from really up and positive to quite down and negative... all quite quickly...
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but you will know little bis
one of them that would have come across is the ups and downs.... i go from really up and positive to quite down and negative... all quite quickly...
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yeah man, music is the best.
it helps you through the shit times...
cool your all up at the mo too.....
it helps you through the shit times...
cool your all up at the mo too.....
Nina is my god!!!...she has helped me through some of the toughest times in my life!!!...Hope youre ok googie!! x x x x
Yes, I am a machine when it comes to churning out pages, I just wish my time-management was a bit less crap.
San diego needs to be sorted...I still haven't booked anything...doubt I'll do chicago as well although it IS a possibility. I have a yearning to just take some time out and walk the arth seing as i ain't had a holiday in 6 years, but maybe 2 comicons is too much...tho am doing NYC in 2 weeks...
Good luck with the pages...hopefully we will be enjoying your company at our monthly meets sometime soon, yes?