so, I've been waiting for either a letter telling my that my license is suspended, or a visit by a constable/bounty hunter for not paying some tickets. I really don't want to pay them, so I'm going to do my best not to. The entire system is bullshit. The state troopers have stop quotas that they need to fill, but not ticket writing ones. However, its just as easy to write a ticket as a warning, so that's what they do. They even give the State Troopers an award for the most traffic stops in a year. Shouldn't there be an award for largest reduction in stops?
Then they tack on charges that total over 150% of the original fine. So in reality they have something that is depending on the money. Which brings me to...
Boycott speeding month. I'm going to start something where everyone drives the speed limit or less for one month. And I mean give them no reason to stop you at all and then see what happens. The speed limit is defended by auto insurance companies too. They make so much money on raising fees for people who get stopped for bullshit. What is really needed is a gun that detects people driving and not paying attention. That causes more accidents than someone driving a brand new sporty car.
... holy shit, I just read this article
here and now I'm super pissed off!!!
Then they tack on charges that total over 150% of the original fine. So in reality they have something that is depending on the money. Which brings me to...
Boycott speeding month. I'm going to start something where everyone drives the speed limit or less for one month. And I mean give them no reason to stop you at all and then see what happens. The speed limit is defended by auto insurance companies too. They make so much money on raising fees for people who get stopped for bullshit. What is really needed is a gun that detects people driving and not paying attention. That causes more accidents than someone driving a brand new sporty car.
... holy shit, I just read this article
here and now I'm super pissed off!!!

how ironic, i just got a ticket on tuesday! pulled me over for speeding but only gave me a warning for that but gave me a ticket for not wearing my damn seat belt! gonna set me back 99 bucks which suxx!!!