Take a minute today to remember those fellow Americans who gave their lives for our Freedom. We might not agree with what our leadership is doing, but those of us in Uniform do a difficult job so that 99% of us don't have to.
More Blogs
Wednesday May 24, 2006
I've decided to give it a go for the summer. I'm at least going to ho… -
Tuesday May 23, 2006
Wow, I'm actually thinking of throwing in the towel promotion-wise. … -
Monday May 22, 2006
Read More -
Sunday May 21, 2006
Back from a long-ass weekend. Had tons of fun though. Good way to s… -
Thursday May 18, 2006
I'm off for some much needed R&R; at fabulous Deep Creek Maryland for… -
Wednesday May 17, 2006
oh dear Fates, why must thou fuck with me so? Why show me a delicous… -
Tuesday May 16, 2006
So, I guess my news contribution isn't good enough for SG. Who care… -
Monday May 15, 2006
I posted my first SG news article. Its on an asteroid names Apophis … -
Saturday May 13, 2006
So, I'm doing 2 shows Memorial Day weekend. Both with A Hero Underwa… -
Thursday May 11, 2006
Right CK, like I pwnd you... whatever I was thinking today about…