Wow, I'm actually thinking of throwing in the towel promotion-wise. Its getting to the point where the reward is not going to out weigh the agrivation. And after only 2 shows.
I just have shitty luck in life. Whether it be at poker, cars, love, whatever. Some force is seemingly keeping nice things from happening for me. And its carrying over into this thing too. What really sucks is that I'm a devout athiest and don't believe in "forces" in general.
But in case anyone is thinking I need meds read this:
first show the lights in the town go out after only one band.
second show actually went very smoothly, but I charged so little at the door that I did it for free. But I didn't care, I just wanted to get my name out there as a cool place.
Third and fourth shows I pull out of my ass in order to accomodate a touring band, which subsequently cancelled at the last minute and left me with about a 1000 incorrect flyers in circulation.
Now one of the bands I got to fill in and pull people to the show might not be able to play because the lead singer is sick and in the hospital. If they don't show up, then its just an entirley local show, which I never wanted to do in the first place. URGH!!!
I actually have enough interest to keep me busy the entire summer, but do I want to put a ton of work into something only to have it suck? Plus I don't want to dissappoint kids who come to the show, nor the bands that are playing for me.
I'm also generally too fucking nice, but I am trying to fix that.
Damn it!
I just have shitty luck in life. Whether it be at poker, cars, love, whatever. Some force is seemingly keeping nice things from happening for me. And its carrying over into this thing too. What really sucks is that I'm a devout athiest and don't believe in "forces" in general.
But in case anyone is thinking I need meds read this:
first show the lights in the town go out after only one band.
second show actually went very smoothly, but I charged so little at the door that I did it for free. But I didn't care, I just wanted to get my name out there as a cool place.
Third and fourth shows I pull out of my ass in order to accomodate a touring band, which subsequently cancelled at the last minute and left me with about a 1000 incorrect flyers in circulation.
Now one of the bands I got to fill in and pull people to the show might not be able to play because the lead singer is sick and in the hospital. If they don't show up, then its just an entirley local show, which I never wanted to do in the first place. URGH!!!
I actually have enough interest to keep me busy the entire summer, but do I want to put a ton of work into something only to have it suck? Plus I don't want to dissappoint kids who come to the show, nor the bands that are playing for me.
I'm also generally too fucking nice, but I am trying to fix that.
Damn it!

it's obviously your decision as to whether or not you keep going. my suggestion would be to try to stick it out for the summer.
and not to sound annoyingly cheery - it can only get better