we got off at noon on wednesday and have thursday and friday off. bout time we have a lot of time off. i slept for 13 hours last night and it felt good this morning. well its thankgiving and the drinking begins. im going out to eat with a few buddies of mine and drink, but im starting early today. tonight im going to the tattoo shop again i might make another appointment for more tattoos. and tommarrow were going to drink and watch football. this weekend i think im going to be lazy. saterday im going out all day. well im not going to get back to hawaii as soon as i thought we would. they just pushed back out flight dates. so now we are supposed to go back somewhere between the 20-30 of jan. that is dissapointing i was lookin forward to the beaches and everything in hawaii. but beer is alot cheaper over here so whatever

mmmmmmm.....cheap beer is good beer....well not as good as free beer...but still!