wow i just realized something while overhere in japan.
alright our movie theater on base is way far behind on the times but its always been like that, for example tomarrow on sunday they are playing 'the skeleton key' well that movie came out on video last week. but our movie theater is like that which sucks. cause they sold the movie and its out to rent here on base before the movie theater plays it. now what the fuck
is going on? isnt the movie theater supposed to play the movie before it comes out on video? if im wrong please let me know. somethings fuckin wrong here i dont know but what the fuck. anyway? But they have done that before in the past. but also we are a few months behind than stateside. so movies that just came out in the states we wont see till 1. a few months from now or 2 it comes out on video then it will play in theaters here. so that fuckin sucks thank god for the internet and downloading. at least i can somewhat keep up with things while im overhere. God i cant wait to get back to hawaii. shit.
well went back to 329 tattoo studio again today, me and 2 of my buddies are in there everyweek. cause all of us are getting either sleeves on our arms or legs. but anyway they know us by name and shit, they get a lot of business and everyone knows us by name i mean there all japanese of course and theres only a few that speak any english but all of them know us by name which is cool. but for the past few months weve been in there so fuckin much cause we all go when one of us has an appt. gut i think its cool that they all know us and we can whatever there. pretty soon they should start paying us instead of us paying them. that would be cool
well im going back again tomarrow cause ive got to talk to my artist and my buddys got an appt.
well i guess ill sign off tonight rather this morning with a quote.
"if you do not seek self improvement than you are on the path of self destruction"
are most definatly fuckin classified as self improvement ooorahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

well went back to 329 tattoo studio again today, me and 2 of my buddies are in there everyweek. cause all of us are getting either sleeves on our arms or legs. but anyway they know us by name and shit, they get a lot of business and everyone knows us by name i mean there all japanese of course and theres only a few that speak any english but all of them know us by name which is cool. but for the past few months weve been in there so fuckin much cause we all go when one of us has an appt. gut i think its cool that they all know us and we can whatever there. pretty soon they should start paying us instead of us paying them. that would be cool

well i guess ill sign off tonight rather this morning with a quote.
"if you do not seek self improvement than you are on the path of self destruction"
