man today was a long day. wow it seemed to last forever. this morning wasnt bad i slept in till bout 0600 yeah. then i taught martial arts all morning which is always fun someties frustrating because some people just cant get it right no matter how easy you break down the moves and how slow you do it and show them, because they are uncordinated or slow or idont know but its wierd because its usually the real easy moves they screw up, the complicated ones they get with out a hitch. but anyway, this afternoon sucked
it seemed to take for ever. we went to the gunpark where we work and sat there and time went by so slow i thought we would never get off. eventually we got off and when we did i made it to the store and stopped off at the food court. i couldnt belive it i got to the store to look at the tattoo magazines to see if they had any i didnt have and i walked by the movies and i saw my new favorite fuckin movie
DEVILS REJECTS BY ROB ZOMBIE this is probably the highlight of my week for sure. it definatly made my day.