man today was alright....i ran my section this morning we went on a little run we did sprints and then jack web pushups it was fun cus i was leading it...then we spent all day cleaning vehicles, washing 7 ton trucks and humvees. well i didnt wash them but i was supervising the process and driving a few of them to the wash racks. fun fun fun
then after work we had field day basically we clean the baracks, rooms common areas and shit like that. well it happens every monday. its marine corps wide so whatever. i dont like cleanin my room cause i just dont. but i do get to inspect my sections rooms so thats alright i guess it just means i cant go anywhere till they get done and it takes a while for some of them.
anyway today wasnt too bad ive definatly had a lot worse and just take the good with the bad i guess but ill be set for life when i get out. so cool. i know i will not be running for fun when i get out fuck that thats all i do every day here for PT (physical training) or i do martial arts which is better for me because im instructing which is awesome....