SH*T it's hot! even the AC isn't cutting it any more. my AC was even mostly not working at work today. I was sitting in full business casual working in 78 degrees. i'm not even shitting you! ridiculous! enough about the heat, I'm just going to roll with it. not much else you can do really. getting worked up about it will probably just make me hotter
so yea, not much going really. work is stressin' me out. too much to do, too little time. but when isn't that the case with work. i'd really just like to win the lottery...please? then no more work...well, i'd probably still work, but do whatever i damn well pleased...that's for sure. i'd probably volunteer mostly. i've always enjoyed manual labor at times, so perhaps a little habitat for hummanity or something. anyway...dreams. what's everyone else up to? i'm doing nothing. going to watch the game tonight as usual. not too many a night when I'm not watching a game
yea, that's about it. i'm also going to give the firefox calendar program a whirl. i've heard that you can sync it with your iPod, so I'm gonna give that a shot. should be fun.
i shall bore you no longer. do stay cool, and be nice to people dammit!

so yea, not much going really. work is stressin' me out. too much to do, too little time. but when isn't that the case with work. i'd really just like to win the lottery...please? then no more work...well, i'd probably still work, but do whatever i damn well pleased...that's for sure. i'd probably volunteer mostly. i've always enjoyed manual labor at times, so perhaps a little habitat for hummanity or something. anyway...dreams. what's everyone else up to? i'm doing nothing. going to watch the game tonight as usual. not too many a night when I'm not watching a game

i shall bore you no longer. do stay cool, and be nice to people dammit!
I haven't been up tomuch, just enjoying my days off and trying to get better at making music...
It's not that I have restraint to not buy things, I just flat out don't have the money too. I barely even have anything in savings. Hopefully when I finally find a second job, this problem will be fixed!
"but teasing can be fun sometimes..." I sense a challenge
I can barely even ride on the bus without feeling sick! I get horrible motion sickness with my old age
Hahah I hate the RedSucks. Too adorable
Resting your eyes! You wussy
P.S. "I'm part gay. You know they say everyone is."