Wow, October was my last post? Its a new year now! Gods.....holidays were insane....kind of fun but insane. New Year's Eve was Irish Car Bombs, Blow Jobs and assorted other alcohols. Hmm, I really need to take a good pic of my new tattoo so you can all see it. I get a lot of compliments on it. I really love it.
I am now working as an Iraqui Roleplayer for Fort Lewis, helping to train U.S. Soldiers to deploy to different countries. I'd tell you where but then I'd have to kill you...
I have met many wonderful native Arabic speakers and now number friends from Egypt, Kurdistan, Iran and Iraq among my list of friends. I am learning to speak Arabic, (what a beautiful language) and am thinking on going back to school to study formally. It even sounds nice when you insult someone.
My husband gave me the most amazing anniversary. Jewelry, a beautiful hand woven throw and dinner at the Melting Pot. There was even a red rose waiting for me on the table and a card. Afterwards they took a picture of us as a keepsake. It was wonderful.
I am gearing up to plan another set. I am waiting on my friend Gringo to do the final edits on the set we did awhile ago. I don't think he has the heart to tell me my 'shop skills aren't quite up to the task yet. LOL. Hopefully I will get to submit it soon. Yeah, I know, I keep saying that. But hopefully soon!
So catch me up everyone. What's going on in your worlds? Thanks for not giving up on me and sending me comments. Molar sweetie...I miss you, I hope all is going well for you!! You too Nikonphoto!!!! Look forward to hearing from you all soon.
I am now working as an Iraqui Roleplayer for Fort Lewis, helping to train U.S. Soldiers to deploy to different countries. I'd tell you where but then I'd have to kill you...
I have met many wonderful native Arabic speakers and now number friends from Egypt, Kurdistan, Iran and Iraq among my list of friends. I am learning to speak Arabic, (what a beautiful language) and am thinking on going back to school to study formally. It even sounds nice when you insult someone.
My husband gave me the most amazing anniversary. Jewelry, a beautiful hand woven throw and dinner at the Melting Pot. There was even a red rose waiting for me on the table and a card. Afterwards they took a picture of us as a keepsake. It was wonderful.
I am gearing up to plan another set. I am waiting on my friend Gringo to do the final edits on the set we did awhile ago. I don't think he has the heart to tell me my 'shop skills aren't quite up to the task yet. LOL. Hopefully I will get to submit it soon. Yeah, I know, I keep saying that. But hopefully soon!
So catch me up everyone. What's going on in your worlds? Thanks for not giving up on me and sending me comments. Molar sweetie...I miss you, I hope all is going well for you!! You too Nikonphoto!!!! Look forward to hearing from you all soon.
Wthere the f-bomb have YOU been?
U have a very great hair hunny