rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Busting ass in a little room with six other people for this next month's shows. I can't wait , but I wish I could stop time and get in a dozen more practices 'cause i want us to kick ass!
Ok everyone, we have a visitor who traveled many miles & he wants to meet as many of us as possible.
His name is Corvette & him & his band are playing shows all over LA plus having a vacation. They are taking the train down for 1 nite only! Let's make an effort to show them a good time.
The Date--------- Tuesday August 10th
The Place-------- Henry's Pub downtown
The Band-------- The Stilettos
The Occasion-- Not only do we have a guest, but it's the upright bass player's birthday & my best freind's b-day as well.
Excuses that won't work....
1. I have to work the next morning----So do I & 90% of all of us. I even have some of my co-workers joining us.
2. I hate downtown----I can't remember the last time I was downtown & everyone I know that decided it would be too much fun to pass up is anti-downtown. Plus there is no cover!
You know, I'm not the bossy type. If you can make it down for even a drink or two or a dance, that would be great!
Thank you!!!!!
Ok everyone, we have a visitor who traveled many miles & he wants to meet as many of us as possible.
His name is Corvette & him & his band are playing shows all over LA plus having a vacation. They are taking the train down for 1 nite only! Let's make an effort to show them a good time.
The Date--------- Tuesday August 10th
The Place-------- Henry's Pub downtown
The Band-------- The Stilettos
The Occasion-- Not only do we have a guest, but it's the upright bass player's birthday & my best freind's b-day as well.
Excuses that won't work....
1. I have to work the next morning----So do I & 90% of all of us. I even have some of my co-workers joining us.
2. I hate downtown----I can't remember the last time I was downtown & everyone I know that decided it would be too much fun to pass up is anti-downtown. Plus there is no cover!
You know, I'm not the bossy type. If you can make it down for even a drink or two or a dance, that would be great!
Thank you!!!!!