So ,Friday I had to sit through Klingons doing a skit at the Comiccon before my gig started. i ran the buzzers and sound effects for IFC's ultimate film fanatic challenge. They gave away a bunch of ipods to the winners -damn, i wished I'd been eligible! i really had alot of laughs at the awful answers to movie trivia questions (thus proving I'm a movie geek). Well, gotta sleep again. The weekend dissappeared and all i accomplished was watching a bunch of Chappelle's Show reruns and doing laundry- guess that's enough
nighty night.

You totally called the chelsea; it's looks so awesome. And yes, it'll hopefully mean another set in the near future.

Thanks for the name I am gonna try that site if it doesn't work I will email you and ask for the number. I appreciate it. Hope you got alot of sleep!!