Woke up very discouraged and disappointed that a model i liked would shame other models for their bodily choices... PSA for anyone feeling judged for body modifying, you and your bodily choices are exactly that... YOUR choices. we dont live in a pure world of being uninspired or blind to influences, although society and toxic feminism is portraying an ideal that women need to think for themselves and "stop giving in to what men want" and stop getting plastic surgery to please the image you have created in your head since you first saw a barbie or jessica rabbit. NEWS FLASH the artist for jessica rabbit was actually told by the woman who voiced jessica, to enlarge everything and to make her even MORE hyper feminine. yes a woman designed jessica rabbit! isnt that amazing? shouldnt that be celebrated? shouldnt a woman celebrate her body by tattooing it or getting boobs if she wants to? id love to inspire and influence more men and women to be encouraged in healthy modifications, yes addictions to surgery and addictions to society standards etc are definitely a daily thing _ but with the right mindset and long term outlook who is to tell you what you can and cant do with your body??? no matter your age race or history, a person should be able to have freedom of expression and not feel attacked for it. <3 be a good human.
That's horrible! So sad to see that's still out there :( Your body, your choice! I for one CAN'T WAIT to get my butt done, and I don't care who says "it already looks great"! Maybe it does, to you, but I know it can be even more what I consider to be "great", and that's my own damn choice to make!
@thaimelo Ashamed? I certainly wasn't "ashamed" before my breast reduction. I did however hate the look of my chest and now, 4 years after my surgery I am still over the moon with my choice! I now get to go braless every single day, wear super-duper deep V-neck tops, and work out without a care in the world about the discomfort of sports bras etc. Everyone chooses their body modifications for different reasons. I see for instance that you have chosen to add some ink to your body, as have I. Would you ever say that you did that because you didn't feel safe in your body before tattoos, or that you felt ashamed of it before? No! You just prefer the look of your own body with that ink, and so you did what you personally felt made you look like the best version of yourself! Other people make other choices for that exact same reason, and all the power to them!