argh, I typed out an entry and it deleted, bahh! SO. Quick overview...
My break was amazing. New Years was the best night, hands down. That's where I got my new visual. Natalie giving me a New Years Kiss. Her photoset is up too! It's beautiful!
Girls nights have also been a big part of the past month or so, we went to a strip club and it was gross, there was a weenie on my head and I wanted to cry.
I'm going to put up pictures tonight for sure.
School started back up again and I must say, this semester is much better than last. I have classes only on m/w/f from 9-12 and then that's it! Work takes up a lot of my time, but at least i have tons more free time now.
I also re-arranged my room so we have a lot more room in the dorm. We're getting a futon AND! my parents bought me a TV tonight.
Girls night have been so great! They make me feel really good and I don't have to think about poopy boys.
The other night Natalie, Laura and I went to eat Thai food, went to a tattoo parlor to browse, went to a coffee shop, then grocery shopping. As if that isn't enough fun in one night, we ended it by getting tipsy and talked about boys! Girls make me feel like fireworks.
I'll start keeping this journal up to date, I SWEAR! Until then, this is Stephanie signing off...
My break was amazing. New Years was the best night, hands down. That's where I got my new visual. Natalie giving me a New Years Kiss. Her photoset is up too! It's beautiful!
Girls nights have also been a big part of the past month or so, we went to a strip club and it was gross, there was a weenie on my head and I wanted to cry.
I'm going to put up pictures tonight for sure.
School started back up again and I must say, this semester is much better than last. I have classes only on m/w/f from 9-12 and then that's it! Work takes up a lot of my time, but at least i have tons more free time now.
I also re-arranged my room so we have a lot more room in the dorm. We're getting a futon AND! my parents bought me a TV tonight.
Girls night have been so great! They make me feel really good and I don't have to think about poopy boys.
The other night Natalie, Laura and I went to eat Thai food, went to a tattoo parlor to browse, went to a coffee shop, then grocery shopping. As if that isn't enough fun in one night, we ended it by getting tipsy and talked about boys! Girls make me feel like fireworks.

I'll start keeping this journal up to date, I SWEAR! Until then, this is Stephanie signing off...