Had a fine lazy President's day off. Sweet deal. The weekend was kind of uneventful, nothing special to write about.

I fooled around with my new camera, haven't gotten much yet, but Wednesday night I will be shooting a concert, so that will be the first big test. So I have a profile pic now, and then there's one of me which my g/f took...
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I just haven't been lucky enough to score a readhead in my life again! LOL.

Have you gotten rest you party boy? How was your birthday?
Thank you!!! You rock too!!!biggrin

Oh and by the way, I didn't realize that the Rules of Attraction was written my Bret Easton Ellis. I just love that guy. I'm guessing that you've read American Psycho then? Anyway, what is the Rules of Attraction like? That was made into a movie was it not?
Well happy Valentine's day to you all, or anti-Valentine's day, depending on which you're celebrating. I've been in both departments, so had to extend it to everyone.

First I must say how much I hate people sometimes. Thursday night, my g/f and I went to see Ours at a Philly bar. Now this is one of my favorite bands, and hers as well. They are...
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You work at a radio station??? Cool! Doing what may I ask???

I hate rude people too. I had a recent experience at the movie theatre. Isn't it always at the movie theatre??? LOL. Anyway, this guy behind us was on his fukking cell phone having a fight with who I assume was his girlfriend. It was so annoying especially hearing him say like a thousand fukking times "[insert name of girl here] I am going to hang up on you!" I wanted to turn around and slap that phone shut for him. mad

Re: girlfriend. It may be best to give her the space she needs. Especially if you want to settle down before she does. You may even have different interests. Talk about them. I sound very similar to her. I'd rather move to Cali and hang out for a bit before settling down (if I ever even want to do that). But the difference is that you actually know about it but my bf does not. eeek
Wow, I meant to post last night, but fell asleep. It was one of those "I'll lay down for a second" fall asleep with the lights on nights. Anyway, got my camera, which is really friggin cool. I'm still leafing through the manual a bit, but hope to take some great pics with it. It's part auto and part manual, so I get to play...
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Oh happy anniversary sweetie!

I've been with mine for almost 6 years. Sadly, around year 5 I was unsure about the relationship and I still am.

Anyway, at least the guy that stopped talking to me told me beforehand that he was he was going to stop instead of disappearing without a word.

And don't worry about your pictures. No matter what people tell me I still think all of mine are pretty goofy. I am sure we will all like yours even if you don't think they are cool or whatever.
Just another manic monday....ugh.
Hehehe...it's okay. I was just razzin' ya'! Of course I will still be your friend. I've been here a short time but I've found that most hit that friend button really soon...ususally after they've said a quick hello. And as long as the lines of communication remain they stay "friends." So don't be so shy!!!
P.S. Thank you on my profile pic. It looks a bit crap to me but thank you!

P.P.S. Two movies we rented: TOMIE (Japanese horror film based on the manga series by my favorite---Junji Ito) and UPTOWN GIRLS (a cute little comedy with that crazy Brittany Murphy chick).
biggrin biggrin biggrin
Had on ok weekend. Didn't do much. Through a series of mixups and not committing on other people's part it was more uneventful than anything. But, I log on here, and low and behold, my first friend request from one of the most beautiful women on the site, oooohhhh yeaaah!!! And all I had to do was tell her the truth, go figure. And some...
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Awww you have yourself your first friend.

What is it about you that makes you wary of requesting friends?

And to think I thought I would be your first friend. frown

Anyway, my weekend was rather uneventful. Just some great DVD's and dim sum in Chinatown Sunday afternoon. The winter is sucking major ass! Summer needs to hurry the hell up.

::looking forward to your pictures::
Hmmm, I think I'm going to be a journal updater now. After reading the boards and everything on this site, I feel like it truely is a community, and a great one at that. So I want to try and become a little more of a part of it. Of course there's obstacles to go around, like I'm kind of the shy type, and also...
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Thank you for the sweetness you wrote in my journal. I read it this morning as I was drinking my first cup of coffee, even read it twice it was so sweet. Thank you thank you. kiss
Yay I'm so glad you like my set!! biggrin And what a flattering comment you made blush

