Wow, unexplainedily down the past 24 hours. I went to Kareoke (a friend hosts it), hung out with some friends, but by the end of the night I was just in the dumps. Part of it being that feeling of being lonely in a crowded room. I don't know. Then tonight, decided to go to the gym. Now I started up again two weeks ago, didn't get to go last week (three concerts and playoff hockey damnit), and decided to return tonight, hoping the excercise would help a bit, get some endorphins pumping. Instead I just kind of started getting really discouraged and feeling pathetic. There were lots of the muscle bound type there, and I couldn't help but feel like leaving and not really doing many weights. I just want to get healthier and more muscle toned, and to do that I have to go, but I feel awkward, it's like be damned either way. My friends that used to go with me both quit, as one decided to up and move 30 minutes away, and the other has too much school work. ::sigh:: So I must brave it alone. So now I'm even more down. Sorry, just felt like venting.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 07, 2004
Sometimes, I just want to run away from it all, and see what becomes … -
Friday Nov 12, 2004
So, I'm hear to admit my illness. I've determined that I have a prob… -
Tuesday Nov 02, 2004
Where shall I begin? Hmmm, not updating in a while gets tedious whe… -
Sunday Oct 31, 2004 -
Wednesday Oct 20, 2004
Hells Yeah Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!!! More of an update soon. -
Wednesday Oct 13, 2004
Two great dislikes of mine are on the TV right now....the Yankees...a… -
Thursday Sep 30, 2004
Wow, where to begin. Well I guess why I haven't updated in a bit wou… -
Wednesday Sep 29, 2004
Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life. -
Monday Sep 20, 2004
Must....update....sooooon..... -
Tuesday Aug 24, 2004
Summer colds, booooo. Random observation of the day: Who are t…
By the way, I was changing my name to a Smurf name because the 1:05 crew and I had a Smurf themed night and we all changed names and avatars and made a whole Smurf thread.
I know. No need to say it. We are dorks.
Hey sweetie I workout at the gym alone all the time. *hugs* It's not that bad.