Just watched Gone Baby Gone. Meh. Good film mind.
I still look like I've just arrived in Spain. But at least I'm not burnt. Having a good time soul searching. I've never spoken about so much personal stuff before. It has been good.
Clubs. . . outdoors. I like this concept.
Hablo muy poco espaol .
I still look like I've just arrived in Spain. But at least I'm not burnt. Having a good time soul searching. I've never spoken about so much personal stuff before. It has been good.
Clubs. . . outdoors. I like this concept.

Hablo muy poco espaol .
From what I do know of him, it's very obvious to me right now that he has lost the plot, though he claims to have greater clarity now than ever before. I think he forgot somehow that he's human.
I hope that you're still having a fantastic holiday. Where abouts in Spain are you visiting? I've never been (even though I studied Spanish for a few years), but my mum went to Barcelona last year with her friends and her feet ended up making a cameo in a Wet Wet Wet video!
btw...being sick you can start a sentence saying good for you! when im everything but good at this right present