I am Lancelot! Pure of heart with a black worm of corruption in my soul. My breath carries the stench of an old gutter whore and my hands are foul from the labours of the night. The white satin of my tunic is stained with old semen and my shining sword is rotten at the core. Keep me away from your daughters, lock them up tight, for I long to share my filth as I pledge my undying love. I am a thousand years old, but I still have a taste for young flesh. The blood boils and fires burn and de Sade echoes in my head when I whisper sweet words. Will you be my Guinevere? Will you be my sin?
I am Humbert Humbert! Pervert and pedophile with a love to blind the sun. My innocence is whiter than that of any virgin, my hands and thoughts cleaner than those of an alter boy. My obscene desires are nothing but the holiest of prayers and my soul sings of fogetten virtues. Don't spit on my depravity for there is no safer place than in my arms. My trust is greater than ten thousand lies and my truth is naked on my breast. I am only a babe, but I long for the touch of a wise hand. My heart quickens and my soul shivers and I hear the music of the stars as I whimper and drool with passion aroused. Will you be my Lolita? Will you be my salvation?
I am Humbert Humbert! Pervert and pedophile with a love to blind the sun. My innocence is whiter than that of any virgin, my hands and thoughts cleaner than those of an alter boy. My obscene desires are nothing but the holiest of prayers and my soul sings of fogetten virtues. Don't spit on my depravity for there is no safer place than in my arms. My trust is greater than ten thousand lies and my truth is naked on my breast. I am only a babe, but I long for the touch of a wise hand. My heart quickens and my soul shivers and I hear the music of the stars as I whimper and drool with passion aroused. Will you be my Lolita? Will you be my salvation?
One without the other will result in either a Common Thug or a Man of Nonsense.
[Edited on Jan 17, 2003]