I find it rather interesting that we should care what other people think of us. Impressions and all that. Not necessarily close personal relations or friends, but rather the audience at large. We are led by example and our heroes are made of stone. Political leaders and corporate executives; depriving thousands upon thousands of children of their fathers and shackling thousands upon thousands more into slavery. Do they care? About you and I? Do they care about anyone other than themselves? Are they people full of love and compassion for the earth and the billions of poor and destitute who inhabit it? Most probably not.
Icons of success, honour, and virtue. Glorious and praiseworthy. Intelligent, wise, and strong beyond all others. Yet, they don't seem to give a shit about the lives and feelings of the people. Let us be like our heroes! And it is no wonder that you might get a look of disdain from some snotty asshole or some uptight bitch while shaking it up at your favourite dance club. Don't be too surprised by the well dressed plastic drone who pushes you on the subway and fails to apologize. How long do you expect to wait by the side of the road with engine trouble and no cell phone before someone offers assistance? Someone you think won't kill you?
Why do we think these people care about us? What we say, what we look like, how we behave? Why are we ever dependant on their thoughts? I can understand the context of a job interview (having to prove one is insane and incompetent) and I would put down good odds that if you walked into a small town church in the back woods of the bible thumping south (I'm talking KKK country) dressed like Marilyn Manson waving a burning bible, you wouldn't get out alive. Indeed, some people do care about appearances. But does the redneck beating you to a fine pulp and then sodomizing you really care about you?
Be crazy. Be insane. Be eccentric. Be yourself! As long as you don't break the law, they can't touch you. You'll soon find yourself swimming in a far better pool. Let loose, let go. You have nothing to fear except the loathing of the loathsome.
Icons of success, honour, and virtue. Glorious and praiseworthy. Intelligent, wise, and strong beyond all others. Yet, they don't seem to give a shit about the lives and feelings of the people. Let us be like our heroes! And it is no wonder that you might get a look of disdain from some snotty asshole or some uptight bitch while shaking it up at your favourite dance club. Don't be too surprised by the well dressed plastic drone who pushes you on the subway and fails to apologize. How long do you expect to wait by the side of the road with engine trouble and no cell phone before someone offers assistance? Someone you think won't kill you?
Why do we think these people care about us? What we say, what we look like, how we behave? Why are we ever dependant on their thoughts? I can understand the context of a job interview (having to prove one is insane and incompetent) and I would put down good odds that if you walked into a small town church in the back woods of the bible thumping south (I'm talking KKK country) dressed like Marilyn Manson waving a burning bible, you wouldn't get out alive. Indeed, some people do care about appearances. But does the redneck beating you to a fine pulp and then sodomizing you really care about you?
Be crazy. Be insane. Be eccentric. Be yourself! As long as you don't break the law, they can't touch you. You'll soon find yourself swimming in a far better pool. Let loose, let go. You have nothing to fear except the loathing of the loathsome.
good to be reminded of important stuff.
just remember though- they're all human inside. yes- even those asshole plastic yuppies, the uptight barbie bitches and even those racist fucks.(god- if you knew how hard it is for me ro refer to them as human...)
you know- i used to work with kids for a while, a wonderful experience which led me to believe that no one is born evil. it's all a matter of slowly destroying one's spirit, happiness and beauty. seen it happen a lot.
there's a lot of sadness in those people- it translates to low self esteem which usually becomes violence- physical, mental or verbal.
but hey- you caught me on a positive day. usually i would have said-
have a good day dude!
hope you're well! your cds aer in the works!