hoo-fuckin-ray, my electricity is back on, and all i had to do was sell everything i own of value to accomplish this feat. nights by dwindling candlelight were growing stale, but now, two weeks later, i am once again basking in the glory of electric luminesence and mind numbing television. never have i been so eager to whach the simpsons and stay up past sunset....
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Best. Username. Ever.
i am so very depressed. i just looked at a calender and found out this year is a leap year. i hate leap years, why did they decide to add that day to february, the worst month of the year. why extend the miseries of this most horrid of months, just because it's shorter than the rest, fuck that. add the day to april, who...
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what is the possible reason that people on cellphones lose all motor functions and peripheral vision. trying to walk to the store is a goddam trial because of valley-girl-40-year-old-men who must pace the width of sidewalks to wish a great sweet-16 to their talkative mechanic. congested streets are nuisance enough, now we've got life size pacing road-blocks, road-blocks whom i not only hate, but know...
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i'm fuckin' awesome!
you are awesome...intreging and very bizarre...i like you even though i hate every band you have listed as favorites. i also despise tod solanz and think that john waters and george romero are overrated...i do like dostoevsky and camus...hmmm...a quandry of sorts...you are awesome but you should stop watching tv.
Charles Mingus is not a band exactly but that is inconsequential.

Anyone that seriously listens to his music tends to consider him a musical genius enlarging upon the tradition of duke ellington and charlie parker.

ZH skull
last night i dreamed a number of suicidegirls came to my apartment, needless to say, i was excited. the rest of the dream the girls made fun of me. my own subconscience had never ridiculed me so mercelessly.
please dont keep roy rogers in your coat pocket.
that is all.
i may just take you up on that time, and i should be in brooklyn saturday. IM me sometime- Swing Revolution
my friend kieth, he's a wonderful guy. he is homeless and hangs out in my neighborhood, talks a lot, but he is real sweet. today we talked about how i was wearing chucks, or, that is how he started the conversation. then he told me about how he smells bad (luckilly a have a poor sense of taiste and smell) and hasn't showered since he...
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i have taken up the habit of doing my own dental work, brushing does not seem to do enough-even though i have the very stiff bristles, the kind that cut your gums. i find myself in the bathroom, head at a bizarre angle to get light in my mouth that won't be blocked out by my hands, drooling, scraping furiously at the back of my...
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Stiff bristles that cut your gums are very bad for your mouth. They cause your gums to recede, which will mean painful and expensive dentistry in future. I speak from personal experience and recommend that you make a dentist appointment so they can show you what you should be using and how.

good reading list on your profile(for some reason i thought i was the only one that read Shaw)

and interesting journal entry

ZH skull
las vegas has more chapels than any other city, the site believed to be sodom is the fastest growing tourist spot in the world. if god existed (s)he'd be outraged. fortunately, god is not real, i have stumbled upon proof, while i was trying to sleep after drinking far too much coffee at a late hour. the bible is boring, if god were real this...
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boredom is a strange thing, i've hit such a hight of it that i'm writing in this journal, despite the fact that noone is going to read it, and if they are, they have grown bored now, too, and will not finish it. so who am i writing for, this isn't helping me escape my bland and mediocre day, nor is it helping anyone else,...
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E-DOUBLE whats the hap's big cat...M-dog the terminator up in hear-a...sorry i'm such a scum...life is a dirty lil tranny...anyway''s much love and hope to hear from yah soon........ease an keep it sleazy.......
5,000G ARRR!!!