Did my exam today. Felt OK. I was worried that I left the room to early. But I controlled my answers. I think I passed.
Been to the library borrowing 6 cd:s with classical violin music.
Tomorrow: Work and then leaving for home and party. And then I will be leaving here for two more days!
Everything is moving fast now. I will try and take it slow.
Been to the library borrowing 6 cd:s with classical violin music.
Tomorrow: Work and then leaving for home and party. And then I will be leaving here for two more days!
Everything is moving fast now. I will try and take it slow.

Ni brde ha vunnit ocks efter Ljungberg och en annan slg mlet ett par gnger!
S synd... allra minst, jag fr inte vara frlgen nr jag kommer till Lund nu!