today i went shopping to cheer me up a bit...
look what i bought!
vans with pingu! i mean penguins... i call them pingu.
btw i'm not getting that better... some fucker crashed his car against mine... so the bumper is broken in half now. fak.
and the bf... i can't sort things out. he won't go out to talk, so for me is impossible to fix the situation now. we'll see.
i'm trying to keep myself busy... to avoid more panic attacks and random scarifications. at least now i can add something to the body mods list, ahah (not very funny though)
EDITED TO ADD we just broke up. he said he's just NOT into me, we're not meant to be together. and that's it.
and i'm suffering like crazy.
RE EDITED TO ADD i fucking got a tummy flu... how they say, bad moments never come alone. FAK
look what i bought!

vans with pingu! i mean penguins... i call them pingu.
btw i'm not getting that better... some fucker crashed his car against mine... so the bumper is broken in half now. fak.
and the bf... i can't sort things out. he won't go out to talk, so for me is impossible to fix the situation now. we'll see.
i'm trying to keep myself busy... to avoid more panic attacks and random scarifications. at least now i can add something to the body mods list, ahah (not very funny though)

EDITED TO ADD we just broke up. he said he's just NOT into me, we're not meant to be together. and that's it.
and i'm suffering like crazy.
RE EDITED TO ADD i fucking got a tummy flu... how they say, bad moments never come alone. FAK

Scattiamo il 12, ti terr aggiornata su luogo e orario, cos vieni anche tu!!!!!!!!
Un saluto dai meno fortunati.