6 more weeks until i am getting rid of mine! so far she managed to piss my neighbour and landlord so off that they wont allowe me to have new roommate and i cant pay rent on my own nor can i move out because right now with all the students its impossible to find something else. there are so many people begging for a place to live. its crazy.
gladly i am in the uk for 1 week and another week in total that i spent at my parents. but i am not sure how to survive the other weeks....
and today she really ... i dont even know what to say....
so she lives there since 5 months on temporary let. so far we just had one key to the mail-thingy. last week while i was in berlin they installed a new one but she didnt open the door to my landlord while he tried to hand over the keys 3 times. she was there but she says that everytime she answered he was gone

so i left the new keys for it in the kitchen - since she decided to not even say "hi" to me when i do it i thought "fine, well i am not gonna go and ask you if you want to have a key". she didnt give a fuck in 5 months before and ever asked me about getting the mail. nor did she even bother to put her name on it.
so today i left to look after the pets of my parents. while i am driving i get a text saying
i need the key now. there is something important in the mail.
while she must have noticed that i am packing my stuff etc. to leave she didnt say something instead she shut her door like she always does when i enter the appartment or leaves rooms before it get in them.
so i was driving and couldnt answer and to be honest it found it really rude the way she putted it. demanding.
so i came to the house of my parents, really needed to pee, giving a friend a call telling her what happend i get another text:
well, then i have to call your landlord
... knowing that i am having trouble with him kind of (mainly because of her). and knowing that she can "push me in the dirt" by doing so. and wtf? i mean.. what does he have to do with our fucking key?? nothing!
the whole situation comes from not communicating and i tried to be nice when she started being an asshole. after like 1,5 or 2 weeks into it i stoped it too and am ignoring her on the same level as she does ignore me.
with any other roommate i had given the person the key and told that person that i am going to my parents for a couple of days. i didnt create that situation! she is temporary in this appartment using all my stuff. and then she makes me uncomfortable in my home. and the best is the "oh so you dont respond to my rude text in 30 mins.. well then i have to threaten you with something that could harm you"
i get back on friday night and gladly i have to work then. i dont know how to deal with her i am shiffering out of anger
btw. i know whats in the mail: a huge envelope that you can pull out with your fingers. and i did call her after her second rude text but she didnt pick up as she is never talking to me in person.