i have two talents. and now i want to show you those.
talent number 1
talent number 2
not that those talents are very usefull... besides entertainment for friends
and i am learning photoshop. at university i have choosen to visit a 2-days-class.
the first day was on friday the 25. april.
this time our teacher let us photoshop his car into one of his holiday pictures and change the colour of his car + add a shadow to it
here is the result:
and on the 26. april i had a shooting with Prem which was a lot fun and the pictures turned out great:
what i have done in the past weeks?
well, mostly i went to university and worked in the uni. i am very busy right now because of that and saldy i run out of money very quick each month i got used to spending more during my internship and now what i have is way too less. i would like to do some short trips but i cant really afford that right now
after the shooting with Prem i took part in a movie.. but all you can see of me is walking over a parking lot, standing infront of a club and making out with a guy.
the movie will be shown in cinemas and possibly be in tv
some more random pics of the past weeks ( i love to invite people to my home)
still a bit set that none of my set made it out of member review:
walk the line
i hope you are going to have a great week
edit: grrr, i want a new tattoo soon. it will be small (who thought that? ) and on my arm. but as parents wont be too happy and they are my sponsors i will wait until summer is over