Hello everybody!
forgiveness for not being an active member lately but between the university and not having internet I find it very difficult to get on the page.
I'll tell you a little of my life ...
In college I went very well and I am very happy with my career!
Every Sunday I'm going to corner, a place where abandoned dogs live in a very sad situation. His retirement is immense and living in a dump and people are going there just for barbecues in the trash, it's awful!, But we try to give them a good time and food, here is a picture of me with one of the dogs there, they are always looking to play with one and make them much love!

I hope soon to make a new set and you like it much because I want to be suicide girl. I love this site and why people bother me not to get involved then, I hope you understand that.
I leave some photos and lots of kisses!

(the photos were taken by my friend GaBiTa!)
kisses for all!!!!!!
forgiveness for not being an active member lately but between the university and not having internet I find it very difficult to get on the page.
I'll tell you a little of my life ...
In college I went very well and I am very happy with my career!
Every Sunday I'm going to corner, a place where abandoned dogs live in a very sad situation. His retirement is immense and living in a dump and people are going there just for barbecues in the trash, it's awful!, But we try to give them a good time and food, here is a picture of me with one of the dogs there, they are always looking to play with one and make them much love!

I hope soon to make a new set and you like it much because I want to be suicide girl. I love this site and why people bother me not to get involved then, I hope you understand that.
I leave some photos and lots of kisses!

(the photos were taken by my friend GaBiTa!)
kisses for all!!!!!!

Good for you for looking after those dogs. Thats such a sweet thing to do. Best of luck with university.