Wow everyone on here is fuckin awesome!!! I have never felt so much love on my birthday as I did yesterday when I checked my messages from all yall. Thank u all soooooooo much. I have to honestly say that this is the first year that I was dreading my b-day. Generally I make a huge production out of it cuz its the one day that all the attention and love from my friends and family is all focused on me. In fact in the 25 years Ive been alive, I have never worked on my Birthday cuz Its a national holiday in my eyes! HEE HEE!! But the idea of turning 25, or a quarter of a century really freaked me out. I still have the mentality of a 15 year old little boy cuz I play video games and smoke weed when I come home from work, which is not somethin I think most girls my age do. I feel old all of a sudden and I wanted to cry!!! But honestly, seein all the love u guys sent really cheered me up! If I could, I would give each and every person that wished me Happy Birthday on here a big hug and kiss. U GUYS FUCKIN ROCK!!
Stella (the old lady) Blue
Stella (the old lady) Blue

i know... i am a sucky person... lol...
anyway... hope you got lots of love and fondling on your day...
and i am 33 yrs old and i still take my birthday off. i celebrate it by myself for the most part cause their is no one else alive who seems to give a rats ass, lol... but it is still important to me, as it should be to you... it was the day you were born. it should be important to you...
welp live it up lass. we ain't getting any younger...later..
carpe carvel.