my grandmother was supposed to come visit us over the summer from florida. two days before that, she fell and broke her knee. my mom went down there to take care of her for 3 weeks while she healed. her and my grandfather came up finally two days before christmas. she was visiting a friend with my mom tonight. shes so fucking stubborn and refused any help going down the stairs outside the house. she missed the bottom step and fell. ive been sitting here for hours waiting for the phone. every time i call, nobody can talk. from what i understand, my mom went to grab her as she fell and got her arm near her shoulder, dislocating it. they had to have an ambulance come get her cause she couldnt move. i spoke to my mother for a minute and she told me there are two fractures but then the dr came and she had to go. nobody is telling me anything here. my throat is closing up. i feel so fucking useless and helpless. my poor nanny. all i can do is sit here and cry for her.
update 1
dad just called. hes going to speak to the dr. she needs hip and shoulder surgery
update 2
shes having the hip surgery either monday or tuesday. they are waiting for her shoulder swelling to go down to see what they need to do there. they are still checking out the knee that she broke a few months ago and she fractured her leg in several places. my mom told me shes afraid she is going to die. all i can do is scrub my floors and just keep cleaning.
update 3
she finally got a room around 4 this morning. my mom slept in a chair next to her. they gave her a ton of morphine so she could finally sleep cause shes in a ton of pain. they have been doing all the tests they need planning the surgery for tomorrow. they are going to put a pin in her hip then she'll be here for another 2 weeks or so for rehab. my grandfather already said he doesnt want to stay. i finally have plans for new years. tonight ill sleep in the chair next to her and keep her company.
Final Update of this Year
im off to the hospital in a little bit. i got a book, my ipod, phone and a spare pair of undies. surgery is tomorrow at 10 am on her hip. her shoulder is in a soft cast. they are hoping it heals itself so they dont have to operate. turns out the bed next to her is empty - my mom just felt bad sleeping in it so she slept in a chair. i on the other hand, dont give a fuck and will gladly save myself days of neck pain and sleep in the bed.
so much for a new years update. sometimes i like to make resolutions just so i have an actual goal of something to break. but as always, i put everything off to the last minute and now i cant think of anything. i feel like i should have some pearls of wisdom but all thats going through my mind is that that cold mac and cheese i just ate was really fucking good. that and for some odd reason today, i really like my boobs and cant stop playing with them. so on that note, happy new years everyone. i love you all to death. fuckers

update 1
dad just called. hes going to speak to the dr. she needs hip and shoulder surgery
update 2
shes having the hip surgery either monday or tuesday. they are waiting for her shoulder swelling to go down to see what they need to do there. they are still checking out the knee that she broke a few months ago and she fractured her leg in several places. my mom told me shes afraid she is going to die. all i can do is scrub my floors and just keep cleaning.
update 3
she finally got a room around 4 this morning. my mom slept in a chair next to her. they gave her a ton of morphine so she could finally sleep cause shes in a ton of pain. they have been doing all the tests they need planning the surgery for tomorrow. they are going to put a pin in her hip then she'll be here for another 2 weeks or so for rehab. my grandfather already said he doesnt want to stay. i finally have plans for new years. tonight ill sleep in the chair next to her and keep her company.
Final Update of this Year
im off to the hospital in a little bit. i got a book, my ipod, phone and a spare pair of undies. surgery is tomorrow at 10 am on her hip. her shoulder is in a soft cast. they are hoping it heals itself so they dont have to operate. turns out the bed next to her is empty - my mom just felt bad sleeping in it so she slept in a chair. i on the other hand, dont give a fuck and will gladly save myself days of neck pain and sleep in the bed.
so much for a new years update. sometimes i like to make resolutions just so i have an actual goal of something to break. but as always, i put everything off to the last minute and now i cant think of anything. i feel like i should have some pearls of wisdom but all thats going through my mind is that that cold mac and cheese i just ate was really fucking good. that and for some odd reason today, i really like my boobs and cant stop playing with them. so on that note, happy new years everyone. i love you all to death. fuckers

great way to start the new year!!!!
now about those resolutions....
how about
red lipstick every day?
more lesbian action?
at least an hour of TV every day
make'em easy
I hope all is well.