so i wrote an ENTIRE entry about what happened and by accident the page refreshed and i lost it. i couldnt rewrite it cause i had plans to hang out with illstabyou but, once again, i got stood up. this has been a weekend of re-evaluating my friendships. ok, he did call to tell me he wasnt feeling well - something about food poisoning. my point is, he knew tonight had to be about me - and it wasnt. so now my heart hurts.
im a big fan of the two strikes and youre out policy. i dont do three strikes cause, well, you dont have to be ms cleo to see the third one is gonna happen, so i just give up after two.
i should probably mention to the people who arent lucky enough to see me all the time, im an awesome friend. i really did a lot of shit for her cause i loved her. she worked at a crappy bar near me and i went twice a week to hang out with her and keep her company. she once called me that she was running out of gas and had no money - i met her at the station and gave her money for gas. i just realized, she never paid me back. i was at a concert and she called me crying having panic attacks , i went home to keep her company.
ok, now that i mentioned what a great person i am, let me tell you how shitty she is. jess and i had a date planned a few weeks ago cause we hadnt seen eachother in a while. we have so much fun when we go out and i was SOOOOO looking forward to it. she said she would be at my place at 9. so i got all dolled up and waited for her. and called her. and waited for her. and called her. finally around 3 am, i accepted she wasnt coming and went to sleep. and yes, that was a fucking joke. i only waited till 2. the next day, i got a voicemail - ugh, you have every right to hate me. i wish you could do stoner accents on sg. so, somehow in her journey from the west side of manhattan to the east side, she ended up on her couch in brooklyn asleep. anyways. so i forgave her. so last night was girls night out. i had a crappy day at work and i was going out with her and another girl that lives in brooklyn. we were meeting up between 8 and 10 at my place which was fine cause i always oversleep on my friday happy-hour nap. so i talk to her around 8 and said i was hopping in the shower. im looking all kinds of fuckably hot and cant wait to go out - which i did after i realized she ditched me again and called my roommate to meet up with him and his friend. i was so mad. i even said to her before this happened - this better not happen. and shes all dude, it wont!! i sent her a text message last night saying we are 100% DIVORCED. thats it. this afternoon, i got a voicemail saying - dude, you have every right to hate me (exhale bong hit). again, fell asleep on the couch. unless this girl comes to me with a signed drs note saying she has narcolepsy, im just not buying it.
anyways, thats the story.
it just hurts even more cause she was really fucking hot.
and really liked to play with my boobies

im a big fan of the two strikes and youre out policy. i dont do three strikes cause, well, you dont have to be ms cleo to see the third one is gonna happen, so i just give up after two.
i should probably mention to the people who arent lucky enough to see me all the time, im an awesome friend. i really did a lot of shit for her cause i loved her. she worked at a crappy bar near me and i went twice a week to hang out with her and keep her company. she once called me that she was running out of gas and had no money - i met her at the station and gave her money for gas. i just realized, she never paid me back. i was at a concert and she called me crying having panic attacks , i went home to keep her company.
ok, now that i mentioned what a great person i am, let me tell you how shitty she is. jess and i had a date planned a few weeks ago cause we hadnt seen eachother in a while. we have so much fun when we go out and i was SOOOOO looking forward to it. she said she would be at my place at 9. so i got all dolled up and waited for her. and called her. and waited for her. and called her. finally around 3 am, i accepted she wasnt coming and went to sleep. and yes, that was a fucking joke. i only waited till 2. the next day, i got a voicemail - ugh, you have every right to hate me. i wish you could do stoner accents on sg. so, somehow in her journey from the west side of manhattan to the east side, she ended up on her couch in brooklyn asleep. anyways. so i forgave her. so last night was girls night out. i had a crappy day at work and i was going out with her and another girl that lives in brooklyn. we were meeting up between 8 and 10 at my place which was fine cause i always oversleep on my friday happy-hour nap. so i talk to her around 8 and said i was hopping in the shower. im looking all kinds of fuckably hot and cant wait to go out - which i did after i realized she ditched me again and called my roommate to meet up with him and his friend. i was so mad. i even said to her before this happened - this better not happen. and shes all dude, it wont!! i sent her a text message last night saying we are 100% DIVORCED. thats it. this afternoon, i got a voicemail saying - dude, you have every right to hate me (exhale bong hit). again, fell asleep on the couch. unless this girl comes to me with a signed drs note saying she has narcolepsy, im just not buying it.
anyways, thats the story.
it just hurts even more cause she was really fucking hot.
and really liked to play with my boobies

who's the bastard who ruined your nappy nap?
oh man what did he do to piss you off?