im feeling kind of gross right now. i got ass raped on the subway today. i had to drop something off on the upper east side and got on the 4 train during rush hour. after 2 subways went by, i thought, fuck it, ill squeeze in on the next one. i just made it as the door closed. i had nothing to hold onto but its not like i could move anyways. now ive been on crowded trains before. ive had a guys briefcase stuck between my legs. ive been face to face close enough with people to feel their breath, but this was different. there was a guy behind me and his crotch was in my ass and i could feel him rubbing back and forth. i didnt know if it was cause it was crowded or he was just a pervert but i couldnt move, not even enough to see his face. but he seemed to have enough room that every so often, he wasnt near me i wanted to vomit but it just would have been all over myself. the thing that made me nuts was that there was room on the train but everyone crowds near the door and i just wanted to push through and get away but i couldnt. i just stood there wanting to cry. a ton of people got off at the next stop, including him. i actually felt the back of my skirt to make sure it was dry. i walked to where i needed to go, fixated on the warm spot on my ass where he was rubbing against. i think i just need to go to sleep now.

There's no reason for you to steal her away from me, I'm more than willing to share her with you.