Lloyd Dobler. my goodness, how can you not love john cusack in say anything. in a girls mind, it doesnt get any better than him. anytime im walking with a guy and he pulls me away so i dont step in something, i think of this movie. everything he does is the epitome of the man that every woman wants. i mean, come on, he held up the radio for her!! by the way, just as a side note, it was actually a fishbone song playing - later they put in peter gabriel's song. much better choice. the question i always asked myself, why diane court? what was so special about her? how did he get so sidetracked that his goal became to be with her - cause hes good at it? i never understood why he loved her.
lloyd - youre an incredible person with an exceptional heart. put your needs ahead of hers for once. shes a big girl. she'll be ok. stick with the kick boxing. its the sport of the future!! seriously lloyd, you deserve better. when you give a girl your heart, you deserve more than a pen in return.

John Cusack is a lie.
i think you just explained my entire life