Man I'm a little hung over aye. It was Steves birthday last night and I got kinda drunk but not in that fuck yeah happy birthday kinda way more in the sick grumpy jelaous bitch kinda way haha. Some chicks showed up who I hadn't met before and they were loud and really drunk and 17. High school girls *shudders*. I never did like them even when I was one. And everyone who would have sat and mocked them with me and made me feel better and made it into a funny situaion all seemed to go home just as they arrived and I was left to fend for myself because Steve was busy talking to them. I'm such a fucking green eyed monster, especially if you get some beers into me haha
Damn I feel so fuckin' good today I felt like sharing it with ya come on and smile with me sweetie

Hey, I get out! It just so happens that internet is what I do when it gets dark.