Last night was fun. I drank way too much though. People just seemed to keep feeding me drinks to shut me up but the more I drank the louder I was. It was terrible haha I felt terrible. Frances came out though and that was fun. My friends are so fascinated by her, understansably because she has a degree in gender studies, is a vegan and fully fledged feminist who refuses to shave.
Having done a smidgen of gender studies in my course, I have to say that I find it mind-boggling. Fascinating, indeed, but it just boggles my mind. 

Hey sweetie I just stoped by to say hello. I got all tore up friday and saturday one of those two day anything goes you know drink,smoke,snort,women ect. . I don't party alot anymore but when I do it's all out. Now it's time to recover and get ready to turn back into responsible guy so I can slave at my job and pay bills.Such is life have a good one gorgeous talk to ya later.