Wow what a weekend.
Went to watch Jess's band Opus on Friday night, they were good as usual but I think if it wasn't for Adam their singer they wouldnt be half as good. Saw Karl (my ex) haven't seen him in months. I was kinda mean to him cause I was drunk and at the time I thought that if I was mean to him then I wouldn't feel, I dunno, anything. All the girls came back and stayed at my place which was nice. I love hanging out with them and it makes me feel like I might wanna live with them next year but then again a house full of 6 girls
Saturday was Mikes (Steve's brother) going away party. He's off to Brazil in a week, lucky.
Me and Mike and Richard looking like a dick in the corner haha.
Steve got really shitty I think maybe cause I was hitting on Richards friend Keiren, meh who knows.
Me Richard and Keiren fucked off about 3:30am to got to this other party but it had died hours ago so we stood in the street and drank for awhile trying to figure out what to do next. We ended up watching the sunrise which was so pretty. We played on the playground too. I wish I had a swing set at home, I love swings.
Didn't end up going to bed till like 7 and just crashed at Keirens even though he lives round the corner from my house haha.
We got up and went out to get indian for lunch which was an ingenious idea. Better than shitty junk food.
Went to watch Jess's band Opus on Friday night, they were good as usual but I think if it wasn't for Adam their singer they wouldnt be half as good. Saw Karl (my ex) haven't seen him in months. I was kinda mean to him cause I was drunk and at the time I thought that if I was mean to him then I wouldn't feel, I dunno, anything. All the girls came back and stayed at my place which was nice. I love hanging out with them and it makes me feel like I might wanna live with them next year but then again a house full of 6 girls

Saturday was Mikes (Steve's brother) going away party. He's off to Brazil in a week, lucky.

Me and Mike and Richard looking like a dick in the corner haha.
Steve got really shitty I think maybe cause I was hitting on Richards friend Keiren, meh who knows.
Me Richard and Keiren fucked off about 3:30am to got to this other party but it had died hours ago so we stood in the street and drank for awhile trying to figure out what to do next. We ended up watching the sunrise which was so pretty. We played on the playground too. I wish I had a swing set at home, I love swings.
Didn't end up going to bed till like 7 and just crashed at Keirens even though he lives round the corner from my house haha.
We got up and went out to get indian for lunch which was an ingenious idea. Better than shitty junk food.
stay up and watch the sunset now

indian is good. mm tulsi