Today in history, the Pope Innocent III issued the bull that began the Inquisition in 1199. How 'bout in 2004, the witches see about taking it back to the Church? Just something to ponder...

The moon enters Gemini, the weekend's almost here, and the new SGs are fuckin' beautiful. Guess life ain't too bad right now.

Have a fan-friggin-tastic day, mothafuckas. wink
Well thank you hun! you're so sweet blush but unfortunately it took my set 4 months to go live ... so I submitted another set, but who knows how long it will take!!
Thank you for the compliment =)
Southern Comfort is my best friend. At least right now... can't say anythin' for my opinion of 'er in the mornin'. puke

The new SGs are pretty rockin'. Good stuff there. smile

Work life sucks (only 'cuz it's busy and I'm lazy), but love life's good, so I guess I can't bitch... too much. wink

Hope you're havin' a fan-friggin'-tastic day. tongue
I had a fan-friggin'-tastic weekend......and then Monday hit me. frown Only 4 days until Friday. Hope your week goes well!
I have had a fan-friggin'-tastic day.
Welcome to the BCB group.
Yeah... more work on Monday. Looks like I need to get a lil'inebriated to deal with this realization. whatever

Regardless, life is good with new SGs and everyone's favorites still here. So, here's to beautiful women and the visual feast they can bring.

::opens a beer, toasts, then drowns the day away::
Work friggin' sucks right now. Ah well... at least the weather's warm and I can still get drunk daily. Heh... just gotta make sure not to be late anymore. biggrin

Well, be good and don't piss off your bosses... unless you're sleepin' with 'em, of course. Then blackmail for all you can. wink
Hey there ... and thank you for the sweet things you said abt me in my journal smile
I love new SuicideGirls. Anyways, hope all's good with, well, whomever might read this.

So, what's your favorite song? Mine's "Eulogy" by TOOL.
Everything's good with me, how about with you? It'd be better though if it wasn't for this damn snow!!! mad I need warm weather, but that can easily be blamed on me just living in the wrong freakin part of the country.
Anywho....thanks for the compliment...rockin is a hard thing to do wink (I am such a dork)
So, when are you going to put some pics up of you, ya bum??? biggrin
Hangover's suck. Easily fixed, but still shitty while you're in 'em.

Hope a good and drunken/high/rollin/trippin/whatever weekend is had by all. tongue
Guess today was a good day... got my car runnin' again and I'm gonna get drunk tonight. Rock it the fuck out.

Anyways, whose lyrics/music do you most connect to?
See....now you can be a drunk pirate...lol wink Have a drink for me!!
Heyas... first day on the site, gotta say I really like what I see so far. Don't know if this journal thing'll go anywhere, but what the hell, I'll say something.

It's getting warmer and life isn't fuckin' shitty, so where's my beer and smokes? Damn, I need to be in a band.


Never let your schooling interfere with your education.
Hi there....welcome to SG. smile