im looking for a new car....well ntoa new car....and old car thats basicly beat to shit.....trying to sell my current semi nice car and get an old car i dont have to worry about spilling anything in...denting...scratching...or rolling for that matter....i can hardly wait to get another car i dont give a rats ass about
the plan is sell my current car..put all the money in the bank cept the very small amt. for the car...and pick up another old one...late 70's rabbit...early 80s gti...all i need is a good running engine...and then i will sand it down..and paint it with chalkboard spray paint so i can draw on it...with chalk....and put some snow tires on it to take it to the mountain....and all i need is two front seats...i can hardly wait for this!!!! soooo excited
hoorah for not giving a fuck!
the plan is sell my current car..put all the money in the bank cept the very small amt. for the car...and pick up another old one...late 70's rabbit...early 80s gti...all i need is a good running engine...and then i will sand it down..and paint it with chalkboard spray paint so i can draw on it...with chalk....and put some snow tires on it to take it to the mountain....and all i need is two front seats...i can hardly wait for this!!!! soooo excited
hoorah for not giving a fuck!

Happy holidays sweetie.