Ok, this is weird. So weird I had to take the time and post something about it. But first a little history:
In 1991 I tried to tackle a telephone pole from my mountain bike (actually my rear tire slipped on a rain grate, it hit the curb, and threw me off, unfortunaltely there was the said pole in the way) nonetheless, I was in a coma for three days and spent a month in rehab because of short term memory loss issues. (Not that the pot I had smoked had anything to do with that!
) Sorry, I digress. Since then I've always had a hard time remembering my dreams. Bits and pieces here and there, but usually nothing concrete.
Fast forward to now, my wife and I have given up smoking three days ago (btw, this will not turn into a rant about the benefits, I promise!) and my "reward" for doing so has been to join a gym (no quips please! it's nice!) So I've been going in the evening because it's the only time with the kids that I had free. So I have been starting at 8pm and getting home at about 10; exhausted.
I crawled into bed these past nights and read for a few before I couldn't keep my eyes open and fell asleep.
These past two nights in a row, I have woken up about 5:30am because of the dreams I've been having. Now here's the kicker: they've both been about SG in some way!
First dream: I was in Amsterdam with a bunch of guys and we were walking along to go to a SG Meetup. Smoking big fatty's and having a general good time. Get to the place for the meet and it's an outdoor plaza with a fountain. We all start sitting around, smoking up, chatting, and all of a sudden music starts! Out from around the corner of a building comes this slow parade of SG Girls! Apnea, Poison, Sophie, just to name a few. It turns into a burlesque show and everyone is having a blast! Then a guy turns to me and passes me a joint, only it wasn't a joint, it was a ciggarette. I decline and thats' when I woke up!
Second dream from last night/this morning: I was in this building that was "SG Headquarters" (?) There were all these people around the place just hanging out and whatnot. There's photoshoots going on in different rooms and a regular "corporate" feel to the place? I walked into the "head person's" room where Apnea was laying on a table having a tat done. She looked at me, smiled and when finished said to me "it's your turn now". So she get's up and I sit down, the guy steps up and says to me:
"so what do you want?"
I reply "the usual"
"ok, no probs! Where do you want it this time?"
"Right here!" and point to my shoulder
The picture in my minds eye is a tribal claw ripping down my shoulder and when I look at the rest of my body, I've got a lot more tats then I really do at the mo.
Then for some reason, he stops setting up and says, "do you mind if I grab some lunch first?"
"No problem" I reply, smiling. "I'll do the same" I walk out of the office and see Apnea again, she smiles at me, I smile back and continue along the hallway, ctaching glimpses of other people just chiling and messing around in rooms and whatnot. So I leave the building and start walking around this buisness district (which, upon retrospect, reminds me of the back streets of an area in Pittsburgh, East Liberty, a generally run down, low income area of the town. But it wasn't run down, it was rather nice in the dream!) My mobile rings and it's my mom!
Apparently, it's now 5pm and I'm late to pick her up from work? (WTF?) She got off at 3 and has been waitin for me for two hours!
I wake up?
Now, I know nothing momentous happens really, other than Apnea being in both dreams and the tattoo situation; but why is it all of a sudden I can remember these dreams in acute distinction and why have they both been in some way about SG girls? Sorry if this isn't anything stupendous but I needed to get this out onto some sort of record so I could ponder more later.
Thanks for listening!
In 1991 I tried to tackle a telephone pole from my mountain bike (actually my rear tire slipped on a rain grate, it hit the curb, and threw me off, unfortunaltely there was the said pole in the way) nonetheless, I was in a coma for three days and spent a month in rehab because of short term memory loss issues. (Not that the pot I had smoked had anything to do with that!

Fast forward to now, my wife and I have given up smoking three days ago (btw, this will not turn into a rant about the benefits, I promise!) and my "reward" for doing so has been to join a gym (no quips please! it's nice!) So I've been going in the evening because it's the only time with the kids that I had free. So I have been starting at 8pm and getting home at about 10; exhausted.

These past two nights in a row, I have woken up about 5:30am because of the dreams I've been having. Now here's the kicker: they've both been about SG in some way!

First dream: I was in Amsterdam with a bunch of guys and we were walking along to go to a SG Meetup. Smoking big fatty's and having a general good time. Get to the place for the meet and it's an outdoor plaza with a fountain. We all start sitting around, smoking up, chatting, and all of a sudden music starts! Out from around the corner of a building comes this slow parade of SG Girls! Apnea, Poison, Sophie, just to name a few. It turns into a burlesque show and everyone is having a blast! Then a guy turns to me and passes me a joint, only it wasn't a joint, it was a ciggarette. I decline and thats' when I woke up!
Second dream from last night/this morning: I was in this building that was "SG Headquarters" (?) There were all these people around the place just hanging out and whatnot. There's photoshoots going on in different rooms and a regular "corporate" feel to the place? I walked into the "head person's" room where Apnea was laying on a table having a tat done. She looked at me, smiled and when finished said to me "it's your turn now". So she get's up and I sit down, the guy steps up and says to me:
"so what do you want?"
I reply "the usual"
"ok, no probs! Where do you want it this time?"
"Right here!" and point to my shoulder
The picture in my minds eye is a tribal claw ripping down my shoulder and when I look at the rest of my body, I've got a lot more tats then I really do at the mo.
Then for some reason, he stops setting up and says, "do you mind if I grab some lunch first?"
"No problem" I reply, smiling. "I'll do the same" I walk out of the office and see Apnea again, she smiles at me, I smile back and continue along the hallway, ctaching glimpses of other people just chiling and messing around in rooms and whatnot. So I leave the building and start walking around this buisness district (which, upon retrospect, reminds me of the back streets of an area in Pittsburgh, East Liberty, a generally run down, low income area of the town. But it wasn't run down, it was rather nice in the dream!) My mobile rings and it's my mom!

I wake up?
Now, I know nothing momentous happens really, other than Apnea being in both dreams and the tattoo situation; but why is it all of a sudden I can remember these dreams in acute distinction and why have they both been in some way about SG girls? Sorry if this isn't anything stupendous but I needed to get this out onto some sort of record so I could ponder more later.
Thanks for listening!
I don't know what causes that, but I know EXACTLY what you mean! When I don't smoke anything for a while, I start to get really intense, specific dreams that I can remember quite vividly. I've actually been having them pretty often lately. It's cool for the most part, but they can kinda shake you up sometimes with how realistic they seem when you wake up out of them. I imagine the fact that you're working out lately is contributing to this effect too. Your brain is probably working with optimal capability. I think the dream thing may have something to do with what these people who talk about being "high on life" are on about.