Jump to 4 years down the road and after flitting to and fro from major to major (Psychology, Biology, Forestry, etc.), while still trying to keep in the whole Animal Behavior theme. I needed to take a cross-cultural requisite in order to graduate, you know, the kind of shit where the university deems itself the master on how to become a "well-rounded" individual kinda crap; So I decide the best thing is for me to take an "Introduction into Theatre" course, taught by the Dean of the Theatre Department.
As part of the course I had to work in some fashion on a production that semester, and whaddya know they're putting on "Jesus Christ Superstar"! You know the one! Come on, sing with me!
Jesus Christ...
Drives down the street on a yamaha!
(I think it goes like that, there were a lot of drugs going on then! )
I auditioned for a part on the stage crew and was given the wonderful job of being "FLYGUY" [Uno dos tres cuatro cinco cinco seis ] I got to hang Judas, crucify Christ, and pull off the resurection too! for a three week run! All pretty cool while standing for three hours on the flyrail by myself! (luckily, my stage manager told me it was alright to smoke up there, as long as there wasn't any "leakage" onto the stage!)
That was it! I'm hooked! After begging the head of the dept (not the dean) to write a letter to the dean of the sciences school to not kick me out of college and let me switch to Theatre I began my last two years of university as a Theatre Major, focus on Lighting and Design!!!!
So then 13 mainstage, 3 "off-broadway" (shows not produced by school), and 5 Studio shows; not to mention working full time as a computer consultant in a lab, working as Studio Director (handling all the student shows and hassles thereof), and doing shitloads of schoolwork in order to graduate with a average of 2.0 or better (required! {I finished with a 2.9 if it matters! } I finished and received my "Bachelors of Fine Arts, Theater Design and Technology with a Concentration in Lighting Design" degree and jumped in the backseat of my convertable jalopy, waved goodbye to all my friends and sailed into the sunset!
More to come, I haven't even scratched the surface yet!
PS, there's a big twist coming up, so hold on to your hats, its gonna be a bumpy ride!