I can't beleive it! Another four years of Bush!
I'm sure everyone will say it was the lesser of two evils, but if so, why Bush? Come on!
Living in England makes it kinda hard to follow the rigamaroles of life in the US but as every news broadcast had something about the election in it, I was lucky I guess.
I'm glad I did my part though, even if it meant a long trip to London to vote. I enjoyed the train ride! And lunch with my mates from when I worked there was fun.
I guess I'm due a phone call from my mother telling me how "happy" she is that Bush is still in, not really sure though, kinda stay far away from politics with her? Hmm, I wonder?
Oh well, time will tell!

Living in England makes it kinda hard to follow the rigamaroles of life in the US but as every news broadcast had something about the election in it, I was lucky I guess.
I'm glad I did my part though, even if it meant a long trip to London to vote. I enjoyed the train ride! And lunch with my mates from when I worked there was fun.
I guess I'm due a phone call from my mother telling me how "happy" she is that Bush is still in, not really sure though, kinda stay far away from politics with her? Hmm, I wonder?
Oh well, time will tell!