sitting here thinking about the times gone past, maybe it's the change in temperature making me reminisce? my mind wanders to walk the paths i've tred, choices made, decisions regreted, opportunities missed...but then again, would i want things to be different than they are now? life is good, life is strange sometimes, but hey! that's life!

maybe i just need sleep?
Just browsed the thread: Shut up about your cock size already and wondered why there weren't the same kinda threads about breast size?

But then when I went back to browse, I found this:
a request was made, and i agree.....

and this: which SG has the biggest breasts? hmmmm

wonder where the equality is?

But don't get me wrong! I love a beautiful set,...
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Just commented for the first time on two different threads. Realised I need to do this more often! 2 comments is NOT enough! But it's late and I need to sleep... maybe tomorrow?
just trying to get to know this place and find somewhere to jump in ... usually the deep end suits me ... "in over my head" comes to mind ... lovin' the community, just feelin around ... sorry, did you mind that? ... can i do it again?... please don't hurt me ... much ... need . more . caffeine ... lets see what happens...
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