Why does being lonely weigh so heavily on my mind
There are spirits as many of you know. They help and they hinder, but such times are rare. They are laughter floating at the edge of what we can hear. They are the comforting arms around you when all is at its worst and you have no one to turn to.
At this moment one of them is enjoying quite a bountifull feast. The finest mooselegs it ever set upon. Not a gift these legs of moose, A chance encounter on the roof of a condominium.
I loves a good walk, as much as the next guy. You get to see neat things and get all exercised. Walking however..... Inside a condominium...... cycling through the same 52 floors..For TWELVE HOURS
Is not something to be enjoyed.
Such is why my legs are now being consumed
So if you want some you better hurry.
I don't think this spirit has had a decent meal in a long time.
(I know I said I would stop by this morning HexX and Malice, but deathlegs prevent it, will phone later on today, we do things, mayhaps I'll even have working limbs)
There are spirits as many of you know. They help and they hinder, but such times are rare. They are laughter floating at the edge of what we can hear. They are the comforting arms around you when all is at its worst and you have no one to turn to.
At this moment one of them is enjoying quite a bountifull feast. The finest mooselegs it ever set upon. Not a gift these legs of moose, A chance encounter on the roof of a condominium.
I loves a good walk, as much as the next guy. You get to see neat things and get all exercised. Walking however..... Inside a condominium...... cycling through the same 52 floors..For TWELVE HOURS
Is not something to be enjoyed.
Such is why my legs are now being consumed
So if you want some you better hurry.
I don't think this spirit has had a decent meal in a long time.
(I know I said I would stop by this morning HexX and Malice, but deathlegs prevent it, will phone later on today, we do things, mayhaps I'll even have working limbs)
I hope that the spirit leaves a little bit for you, good sir.
I know the feeling very well, though, and it's certainly not pleasant.