So here I am, Sitting in the house of Malice and HexX two of the best friends in my life.
They are in the Newly Found Land this week and I am living here to make sure the ever mischevious Squeak and Reaver do not strategically dismantle the apartment. Thus far they have not.
Not much in the way of THINGS to report, work does what it does, Charlie and the Chocolate factory was a great movie, and I missed the finding of a bat in my own basement dwelling. The Pot of Moose(another best of friend) did not know where he would keep it or what to feed it so he let it go and I am sad
a pet bat would have been fun.
I am going to have to craft a clever hiding place for myself. I was warned under punishment of death not to touch the computer of Malice. Which I may....or may not be doing at this very moment (((I'm being sneaky)))
They are in the Newly Found Land this week and I am living here to make sure the ever mischevious Squeak and Reaver do not strategically dismantle the apartment. Thus far they have not.
Not much in the way of THINGS to report, work does what it does, Charlie and the Chocolate factory was a great movie, and I missed the finding of a bat in my own basement dwelling. The Pot of Moose(another best of friend) did not know where he would keep it or what to feed it so he let it go and I am sad

I am going to have to craft a clever hiding place for myself. I was warned under punishment of death not to touch the computer of Malice. Which I may....or may not be doing at this very moment (((I'm being sneaky)))
i think winter will suddenly become my favourite season.